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{{Multiple issues|cleanup = January 2009|inappropriate tone = January 2009|cleanup = January 2011}}
I love books. My life, my dream already been to set up a huge home library, a website where children and grandchildren will come to borrow a replica of Treasure Island, Jane Eyre or Moby Schlong. I wanted a living room with huge leather chairs, an oriental rug, and floor to ceiling bookcases to house my beloved collection. Which includes fireplace! Ought to have a hearth in a library. Well, economic instability has caused no realization of my library preferrred. That is, until I found out that We possibly could have my library regarding tons of books to dust, bookshelves to climb, and with no huge bank balance necessary to buy the books, in order to mention mention the leather chairs and oriental rugs. No, I possess a huge library now, i carry it in my purse!<br><br>These days the winds of change are blowing through Healthcare, Automotive, Banking, and Government to name some. How about your field the want to utilize? Are you familiar utilizing latest industry trends? Are you aware how these trends are affecting the job-market in you area and also the company in want in order to apply? You should. So onboard Infotrac, Google, the Wall Street Journal - identify the ugg news, explore the analysis, educate yourself. Putting your job-application in perspective can certainly be a critical strength that will put you in front of untamed dogs.<br><br>To find the best deals you should looking web-based. You can find cheap ugg boots at some of and also the online stores like Amazon, Overstock or Zappos. These stores have monster inventories and it's uncommon acquire these stores discounting different lines of trainers. A number of things could affect when different lines take sale. Whether it's a new line that is originating and body fat deposits make inventory room, or it become that these kind of are trying to transport more brand. Whatever the reason, if the line you want isn't on sale, you patient.<br><br>The number one tool for just a mountaineer is his shoes. You'll need high quality mountaineering boots that are rated for extreme temperatures. Most glacial climbers purchase high-end plastic boots that happen to be designed for extremely cold conditions. Your boots need to be comfortable, and need a feet sexy. A word of advice: don't buy cheap boots! The particular money and get yourself a pleasant pair of quality mountaineering boots.<br><br>First and foremost; have to have a First-Aid package deal. This will in order to if someone suffers from injury. Bandages, alcohol, medicines and other medicinal supplies shall be included capable to allow you throughout the calamity. Then, you likewise need to have water. Components . to recognize you can withstand every calamity the actual help of water. You need to have liquid that enable you to you to thrive. See into it that might keep water for at the very least one gallon each morning ,.<br><br>So rescue their life from your fashion rule mentality and let your imagination go wilderness. Get yourself a pair of ugg classic tall boots and wear all of them you jeans, wear results on casual Friday, or pair them up using your Sunday best. Wear these functional yet attractive boots in your life and even while on journey.<br><br>In case you have just about any questions concerning wherever in addition to the best way to employ [ ugg boots online], you possibly can email us with our own internet site.
[[Image:Googlematrixwikipedia2009.jpg|thumb|240px|  Fig.1. Google matrix of Wikipedia articles network, written in the bases of PageRank index; fragment of
top  200 X 200  matrix elements is shown, total size
N=3282257 (from [19])]]
A '''Google matrix''' is a particular [[stochastic matrix]] that is used by [[Google]]'s [[PageRank]] algorithm. The matrix represents a graph with edges representing links between pages. The rank of each page can be generated iteratively from the Google matrix using the [[power method]]. However, in order for the power method to converge, the matrix must be stochastic, [[Irreducible (mathematics)|irreducible]] and [[aperiodic]].
==Adjacency matrix ''A'' and Markov matrix ''S''==
In order to generate the Google matrix ''G'', we must first generate an adjacency  matrix ''A'' which represents the relations between pages or nodes.  
Assuming there are ''N'' pages, we can fill out ''A'' by doing the following:
# A matrix element <math>A_{i, j}</math> is filled with 1 if node <math>j</math> has a link to node <math>i</math>, and 0 otherwise; this is the adjacency matrix of links.
# A related matrix ''S'' corresponding to the transitions in a [[Markov chain#Properties of Markov chains|Markov chain]] of given network is constructed from ''A''  by dividing the elements of column "j" by a number of <math>k_j</math> where <math>k_j</math> is the total number of outgoing links from  node&nbsp;''j'' to all other nodes.  The columns having zero matrix elements, corresponding to dangling nodes, are replaced by a constant value ''1/N''. Such a procedure adds a link from every sink, dangling state <math> a </math> to every other node.
# Now by the construction the sum of all elements in any column of matrix ''S'' is equal to unity. In this way the matrix ''S'' is mathematically well defined and it belongs to the class of Markov chains and the class of Perron-Frobenius operators. That makes ''S'' suitable for the [[PageRank]] algorithm.
==Construction of Google matrix ''G'' ==
[[Image:Googlematrixcambridge2006.jpg|thumb|260px|  Fig.2. Google matrix of Cambridge University network (2006), coarse-grained matrix elements are written in the bases of PageRank index, total size N=212710 is shown (from [19])]]
Then the final Google matrix G can be expressed via ''S'' as:
: <math>G_{ij} = \alpha S_{ij} + (1-\alpha) \frac{1}{N}  \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; (1) </math>
By the construction the sum of all non-negative elements inside each matrix column is equal to unity. The numerical coefficient  <math>\alpha </math> is known as a damping factor.
Usually  ''S'' is a sparse matrix and for modern directed networks it has only about ten nonzero elements in a line or column, thus only about 10''N'' multiplications are needed to multiply a vector by matrix&nbsp;''G''[1,2].
==Examples of Google matrix==
An example of the matrix <math>S </math> construction via Eq.(1) within a simple network is given in the article [[CheiRank]].
For the actual matrix, Google uses a damping factor <math>\alpha</math> around 0.85 [1,2,3]. The term <math>(1-\alpha)</math> gives a surfer probability to jump randomly on any page. The matrix <math>G</math> belongs to the class of Perron-Frobenius operators of [[Markov chains]] [1]. The examples of Google matrix structure are shown in Fig.1 for Wikipedia articles hyperlink network in 2009 at small scale
and in Fig.2 for University of Cambridge network in 2006 at large scale.
==Spectrum and eigenstates of ''G'' matrix==
[[Image:Googlematrixcambridge2006spectrum.gif|thumb|280px|  Fig3. The spectrum of eigenvalues of the Google matrix of University of Cambridge from Fig.2 at
<math> \alpha=1 </math>, blue points show eigenvalues of isolated subspaces,
red points show eigenvalues of core component (from [14])]]
For <math>0 < \alpha < 1 </math> there is only one maximal eigenvalue
<math> \lambda =1</math> with the corresponding right eigenvector
which has non-negative elements <math> P_i </math> which can be viewed as
stationary probability distribution [1]. These probabilities
ordered by their decreasing values give the PageRank vector
<math> P_i </math> with the RageRank <math> K_i </math> used
by Google search to rank webpages. Usually one has for the World Wide Web
that <math> P \propto 1/K^{\beta}</math>
with <math> \beta \approx 0.9 </math>. The number of nodes with
a given PageRank value scales as <math> N_P \propto 1/P^\nu </math>
with the exponent <math> \nu = 1+1/\beta \approx 2.1 </math> [4,5].
The left eigenvector at <math> \lambda =1</math> has constant matrix elements.
With <math>0 < \alpha </math> all eigenvalues move as
<math> \lambda_i  \rightarrow \alpha \lambda_i </math> except
the maximal eigenvalue <math> \lambda =1</math>, which remains unchanged [1].
The PageRank vector varies with <math> \alpha </math> but other eigenvectors
with <math> \lambda_i < 1 </math> remain unchanged due to their orthogonality
to the constant left vector at <math> \lambda = 1 </math>.
The gap between <math> \lambda = 1 </math> and other eigenvalue is
<math> 1 - \alpha \approx 0.15</math> gives a rapid convergence of a random initial vector to the PageRank approximately after 50 multiplications
on <math> G </math> matrix.
[[Image:Googlematrix1.jpg|thumb|350px|  Fig4. Distribution of eigenvalues <math> \lambda_i </math>  of Google matrices in the complex plane at <math> \alpha= 1 </math> for dictionary networks: Roget (A, N=1022), ODLIS (B, N=2909) and FOLDOC (C, N=13356); UK university WWW networks: University of Wales (Cardiff) (D, N=2778), Birmingham City University (E, N=10631), Keele University (Staffordshire) (F, N=11437), Nottingham Trent University (G, N=12660), Liverpool John Moores University (H, N=13578)(data for universities are for 2002) (from [7])]]
At <math> \alpha=1 </math> the matrix <math> G </math>
has generally many degenerate eigenvalues <math> \lambda =1 </math>
(see e.g. [6,7]). Examples of the eigenvalue spectrum of the Google matrix of various directed networks is shown in Fig.3 from [14] and Fig.4 from [7].
The Google matrix can be also constructed for the Ulam networks generated by the Ulam method [8] for dynamical maps. The spectral properties of such matrices are discussed in [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. In a number of cases the spectrum is described by the fractal Weyl law [10,12].
[[Image:Googlematrix2.jpg|thumb|280px|  Fig5. Distribution of eigenvalues <math> \lambda </math> in the complex plane for the Google matrix <math> G </math> of the Linux Kernel version 2.6.32 with matrix size <math> N=285509 </math> at <math> \alpha=0.85</math>, unit circle is shown by solid curve (from [16])]]
[[Image:Googlematrix3.gif|thumb|280px|  Fig.6 Coarse-grained probability distribution for the eigenstates of the Google matrix for Linux Kernel version 2.6.32. The horizontal lines show the first 64 eigenvectors ordered vertically by <math> |\lambda_i| </math> (from [16])]]
The Google matrix can be constructed also for other directed networks, e.g. for the procedure call network of the Linux Kernel software introduced in [15]. In this case the spectrum of <math> \lambda </math> is described by the fractal Weyl law with the fractal dimension <math> d \approx 1.3 </math> (see Fig.5 from [16]). Numerical analysis shows that the eigenstates of matrix <math> G </math> are localized (see Fig.6 from [16]). [[Arnoldi iteration]] method allows to compute many eigenvalues and eigenvectors for matrices of rather large size [13,14,16].
Other examples of <math> G </math>  matrix  include the Google matrix of brain [17]
and business process management [18], see also [19]. Applications of Google matrix analysis to
DNA sequences is described in [20]. Such a Google matrix approach allows also to analyze entanglement of cultures via ranking of multilingual Wikipedia articles abouts persons [21]
==Historical notes==
The Google matrix with damping factor was described by [[Sergey Brin]] and [[Larry Page]] in 1998 [22], see also articles [[PageRank]] and [23],[24].
== See also ==
* [[PageRank]], [[CheiRank]]
* [[Arnoldi iteration]]
* [[Markov chain]], [[Transfer operator]], [[Perron–Frobenius theorem]]
* [[Web search engines]]
* {{cite book |last= [1] Langville|first= Amity N |coauthors= Carl Meyer|title= [[Google's PageRank and Beyond]] |publisher= [[Princeton University Press]] |year= 2006  |isbn= 0-691-12202-4 }}
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[[Category:Link analysis]]
[[Category:Markov models]]

Latest revision as of 06:41, 30 July 2014

I love books. My life, my dream already been to set up a huge home library, a website where children and grandchildren will come to borrow a replica of Treasure Island, Jane Eyre or Moby Schlong. I wanted a living room with huge leather chairs, an oriental rug, and floor to ceiling bookcases to house my beloved collection. Which includes fireplace! Ought to have a hearth in a library. Well, economic instability has caused no realization of my library preferrred. That is, until I found out that We possibly could have my library regarding tons of books to dust, bookshelves to climb, and with no huge bank balance necessary to buy the books, in order to mention mention the leather chairs and oriental rugs. No, I possess a huge library now, i carry it in my purse!

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