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The person, later identified as Lonnie Lorenzo Lamar Mostiller, 19, from the 1000 block of 11th Street SW, Golden Gate Estates, told deputies he had been smoking marijuana with friends behind a company on Pine Ridge Road.Because he was receiving medical attention, Mostiller escaped from an ambulance, pushing an EMT and fighting using the driver. Deputies found him sitting on a trash can and yelling in a clerk at a nearbyBP gas station at 6065 Pine Ridge Road.Deputies said Mostiller Air Max Shoes yanked away because they tried to handcuff and arrest him. It took three deputies to get him intoPhysicians Regional Medical CenterPine Ridge, based on an arrest report.Mostiller faces charges of battery with an EMT, resisting arrest without violence, criminal mischief and trespassing.Immokalee man charged with grabbing womenAn Immokalee man is charged with inappropriately grabbing at two women because he rode his bicycle through town.Antonio Lavance Mitchell, 22, faces two misdemeanor counts of battery.

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