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that's a lie. Don't fall prey to these types of websites and always read the reviews before joining. Talking to experts in their field can help you to use [ como ganhar dinheiro pela internet] the Internet successfully. Try to network with people who do what you want to do. Doing these things can help give you an advantage over your competition. <br><br><br>Manage your time wisely when you are trying to  como ganhar dinheiro na internet make money online. You may have a real-world job, which means you have to budget time wisely. Set a schedule that will allow you enough time to balance the two. Also make sure that you are being [ efficient] in that time, so you don't run into stress [ ganhar dinheiro pela internet] about working online. Becoming a ghost writer is a great way to earn money online. There are people who need content for their websites, but who lack good writing skills. You can write for them and earn money for what you write. Many people are earning a good income writing for others this way.<br><br>Do you have a heart for customer service? If so, you can make money online answering phone calls for businesses. Additionally, you can make money by chatting online with a business's customer to help them solve problems and answer their questions. There are many customer service sites available including: LiveOps, Working Solutions [ ganhar dinheiro na internet] and ACD Direct. Write online to make money. There are quite a few legitimate companies that pay people to write articles online. You can find many different companies that will pay you to write different content with varying topics. If you enjoy writing, you should do research to look for companies that will pay you to write online.<br><br>Don't buy every book about making money online. Most of the time, these books are sold by people whose claim to fame is that they are teaching people how to make money [ ganhar dinheiro pela internet] online. Before you buy an e-book or book about making money, make sure that you know a little about the author, and that you have seen testimonials about the book.<br><br>Affiliate marketing can be a good way to earn money online if you have a lot of time and energy to spend on website setup and promotion. Affiliate marketers market the products of others in a number of ways. You can create a website and promote [ como ficar rico] it. Creating a blog or posting on the blogs of others in your niche is also an excellent way to share product information. Making smart use of social media and e mail marketing are also possibilities for successful affiliate marketing.<br><br>Several websites out there pay for people to do tasks that cannot be handled by a computer. It might be flagging inappropriate activity or finding the name of a business on a receipt. These tasks require human intelligence to find the answer. They are reasonably simple to perform and can provide you with some extra [ ganhar dinheiro pela internet] money. Translate documents if you are fluent in a second language and want to make money on the side. Check out the freelancing sites to find people who will need things altered into a different language. This can be anyone from a large corporation to an individual who wants to translate something for a friend.<br><br>Take advantage of paid per post if you have extra time and need to make money online. People will need you to make posts on their site to promote a product or give a good review, which will help them in the long run. In return, they will pay you a nice sum. Do you enjoy [ como ganhar dinheiro na internet] writing? If so, you can make cash by becoming a freelance writer. Just be aware that most freelance writing sites prefer writers with experience. But, there are other sites that will hire you if you pass a test. It's a bonus if you have knowledge on particular subjects.<br><br>Make extra money on the side with email marketing. This is a great way to promote a company and use the subscribers that you have to your advantage. You will simply send a message or advertise a product to your large pool of subscribers and get paid money to do so. If you plan on making serious [ como ganhar dinheiro pela internet] money online, make sure you've got the right equipment for the job. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to complete a job and your Internet times out, or is so slow that you miss a bid or other opportunity. Have the necessary equipment and make sure you're software is up to date too. <br><br><br>As you can see from the above article, it is easy to understand how to make money online when you get the knowledge through great tips. You can join the millions of people worldwide who make money each day, if you [ ganhar dinheiro na internet] pay close attention to the tips that you have just read. Making money online is a skill, and if you continue to study good tips and ideas such as these, there is no reason why you cannot make lots of money online.<br><br>If you're a performer, YouTube may help you earn income online. Make a brief video clip showcasing your talents. Are you a whiz with cosmetics? Make online tutorials that focus on makeup. Do you view yourself as a comedian? Why not film a brief comedy routine on hot news topics? When your videos have [ ganhar dinheiro pela internet] been uploaded to the site, advertisements will be attached to your page and this will lead to payment. There are many ways you can make money online; all you need is some basic information. This article should have helped you get started. Use these tips to earn as much or as little as you need online.<br><br>
Four or five years ago, a reader of some of my columns bought the domain name and gave it to me as a birthday gift. It was a total surprise to me. I didn't even know the reader. I hope one day we meet.<br>Two years ago a friend of mine, Tim Sykes, insisted I had to have a blog. He set it up for me. He even wrote the "About Me". I didn't want a blog. I had nothing to say. But about 6 or 7 months ago I decided I wanted to take this blog seriously. I kept putting off changing the "About Me" which was no longer really about me and maybe never was.<br>A few weeks ago I did a chapter in one of the books in Seth Godin's "The Domino Project". The book is out and called "No Idling". Mohit Pewar organized it (here's Mohit's blog) and sent me a bunch of questions recently. It's intended to be an interview on his blog but I hope Mohit forgives me because I want to use it as my new "About Me" also.<br>1. You are a trader, investor, writer, and entrepreneur? Which of these roles you enjoy the most and why?<br>When I first moved to New York City in 1994 I wanted to be everything to everyone. I had spent the six years prior to that writing a bunch of unpublished novels and unpublished short stories. I must've sent out 100s of stories to literary journals. I got form rejections from every publisher, journal, and agent I sent my novels and stories to.<br>Now, in 1994, everything was possible. The money was in NYC. Media was here. I lived in my 10�10 room and pulled suits out of a garbage bag every morning but it didn't matter...the internet was revving up and I knew how to build a website. One of the few in the city. My sister warned me though: nobody here is your friend. Everybody wants something<br>
And I wanted something. I wanted the fleeting feelings of success, for the first time ever, in order to feel better about myself. I wanted a girl next to me. I wanted to build and sell companies and finally prove to everyone I was the smartest. I wanted to do a TV show. I wanted to write books<br>
Affiliate marketing can be a good way to earn money online if you have a lot of time and energy to spend on website setup and promotion. Affiliate marketers market [ ganhar dinheiro] the products of others in a number of ways. You can create a website and promote [ ganhar dinheiro] it. Creating a blog or posting on the blogs of others in your niche is also an excellent way to share product information. Making smart use of social media and e mail marketing are also possibilities for successful affiliate marketing.<br><br>If you have the ability to type quickly, you may consider transcription jobs. You need to have good headphones and the ability to keep up with what is being said. Often, the companies will have their own formatting guidelines. Familiarize yourself with these prior to beginning. Once you have, you can begin transcribing. [ como ganhar dinheiro pela internet] What do you do?  Here is more information on [ ganhe dinheiro] stop by Do it for pay! A number of websites offer you points when you search through them and/or make purchases of items that you were planning to buy anyway. Take the points you earn and trade them for gift cards, gifts and sometimes even cash. Sites thatprovide this opportunity include Swagbucks and Mypoints.<br><br>Don't buy  [ como ganhar dinheiro] every book about making money online. Most of the time, these books are sold by people whose claim to fame is that they are teaching people how to make money online. Before you buy an e-book or book about making money, make  ganhar dinheiro sure that you know a little about the author, and that you have seen testimonials about the book.<br><br>If you want to do something creative, consider ways to create viral videos. Brainstorm ideas that you think are rip riotously hilarious, then start putting them into action. Post them on YouTube, turn on ads and, if they work, watch the money start rolling in! Learn about marketing to see how you can get them even more popular. [ ganhar dinheiro] If you know how to prepare taxes, you can earn money online. Apply for the necessary government licenses and then begin offering your services online. Many of today's top producers work from home with only their laptop and an email address. For best results, [ continually] advertise your services throughout the year.<br><br>Medical transcription can be a good way to make money online as a full time career. Formal training is required, and this can be costly. Additionally, it is necessary to have good computer and transcription equipment that works reliably. A great deal of work is available for people who are able and willing [ ganhe dinheiro na internet] to invest in training and good equipment. Pay is quite substantial. You can sell your wares on the Internet to make money. Certain sites will help you to do your selling. You can personalize the t-shirts for your client. You can advertise by putting fliers up around the neighborhood or by using Craigslist.<br><br>Manage your time wisely when you are trying to make money online. You may have a real-world job, which means you have to budget time wisely. Set a schedule that will allow you enough time to balance the two. Also make sure that you are being efficient in that time, so you don't run into stress [ ganhar dinheiro na internet] about working online. Becoming a ghost writer is a great way to earn money online. There are people who need content for their websites, but who lack good writing skills. You can write for them and earn money for what you write. Many people are earning a good income writing for others this way.
But everything involved having a master. Clients. Employers. Investors. Publishers. The market (the deadliest master of all). Employees. I was a slave to everyone for so many years. And the more shackles I had on, the lonelier I got<br>
Much of the time, even when I had those moments of success, I didn't know how to turn it into a better life. I felt ugly and then later, I felt stupid when I would let the success dribble away down the sink<br>
I love writing because every now and then that ugliness turns into honesty. When I write, I'm only a slave to myself. When I do all of those other things you ask about, I'm a slave to everyone else<br>
Some links<br>
33 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Write<br>
"The Tooth<br>
(one of my favorite posts on my blog<br>
2. What inspires you to get up and start working/writing every day<br>
The other day I had breakfast with a fascinating guy who had just sold a piece of his fund of funds. He told me what "fracking" was and how the US was going to be a major oil player again. We spoke for two hours about a wide range of topics, including what happens when we can finally implant a google chip in our brains<br>
After that I had to go onto NPR because I firmly believe that in one important respect we are degenerating as a country - we are graduating a generation of indentured servants who will spend 50 years or more paying down their student debt rather than starting companies and curing cancer. So maybe I made a difference<br>
Then I had lunch with a guy I hadn't seen in ten years. In those ten years he had gone to jail and now I was finally taking the time to forgive him for something he never did to me. I felt bad I hadn't helped him when he was at his low point. Then I came home and watched my kid play clarinet at her school. Then I read until I fell asleep. Today I did nothing but write. Both days inspired me<br>
It also inspires me that I'm being asked these questions. Whenever anyone asks me to do anything I'm infinitely grateful. Why me? I feel lucky. I like it when someone cares what I think. I'll write and do things as long as anyone cares. I honestly probably wouldn't write if nobody cared. I don't have enough humility for that, I'm ashamed to admit<br>
3. Your new book "How to be the luckiest person alive" has just come out. What is it about<br>
When I was a kid I thought I needed certain things: a college education from a great school, a great home, a lot of money, someone who would love me with ease. I wanted people to think I was smart. I wanted people to think I was even special.  And as I grew older more and more goals got added to the list: a high chess rating, a published book, perfect weather, good friends,  respect in various fields, etc. I lied to myself that I needed these things to be happy. The world was going to work hard to give me these things, I thought. But it turned out the world owed me no favors<br>
And gradually, over time, I lost everything I had ever gained. Several times.  I've paced at night so many times wondering what the hell was I going to do next or trying not to care. The book is about regaining your sanity, regaining your happiness, finding luck in all the little pockets of life that people forget about. It's about turning away from the religion you've been hypnotized into believing into the religion you can find inside yourself every moment of the day<br>
[Note: in a few days I'm going to do a post on self-publishing and also how to get the ebook for free. The link above is to the paperback. Kindle should be ready soon also.<br>
Related link: Why I Write Books Even Though I've Lost Money On Every Book I've Ever Writte<br>
4. Is it possible to accelerate success? If yes, how<br>
Yes, and it's the only way I know actually to achieve success. It's by following the Daily Practice I outline in this post:<br>
It's the only way I know to exercise every muscle from the inside of you to the outside of you. I firmly believe that happiness starts with that practice<br>
5. You say that discipline, persistence and psychology are important if one has to achieve success. How can one work on improving "psychology" part<br>
Success doesn't really mean anything. People want to be happy in a harsh and unforgiving world. It's very [ difficult]. We're so lucky most of us live in countries without major wars. Our kids aren't getting killed by random gunfire. We all have cell phones. We all can communicate with each other on the Internet. We have Google to catalog every piece of information in history! We are so amazingly lucky already<br>
How can it be I was so lucky to be born into such a body? In New York City of all places? Just by being born in such a way on this planet was an amazing success<br>
So what else is there? The fact is that most of us, including me, have a hard time being happy with such ready-made success. We quickly adapt and want so much more out of life. It's not wars or disease that kill us. It's the minor inconveniences that add up in life. It's the times we feel slighted or betrayed. Or even slightly betrayed. Or overcharged. Or we miss a train. Or it's raining today. Or the dishwasher doesn't work. Or the supermarket doesn't have the food we like. We forget how good the snow tasted when we were kids. Now we want gourmet food at every meal<br>
Taking a step back, doing the Daily Practice I outline in the question above. For me, the results of that bring me happiness. That's success. Today. And hopefully tomorrow<br>
6. You advocate not sending kids to college. What if kids grow up and then blame their parents about not letting them get a college education<br>
I went to one of my kid's music recitals yesterday. She was happy to see me. I hugged her afterwards. She played "the star wars theme" on the clarinet. I wish I could've played that for my parents. My other daughter has a dance recital in a few weeks. I tried to give her tips but she laughed at me. I was quite the breakdancer in my youth. The nerdiest breakdancer on the planet. I want to be present for them. To love them. To let them always know that in their own dark moments, they know I will listen to them. I love them. Even when they cry and don't always agree with me. Even when they laugh at me because sometimes I act like a clown<br>
Later, if they want to blame me for anything at all then I will still love them. That's my "what if"<br>
Two posts<br>
I want my daughters to be lesbian<br>
Advice I want to give my daughter<br><br>
7. Four of your favorite posts from The Altucher Confidential<br>
As soon as I publish a post I get scared to death. Is it good? Will people re-tweet? Will one part of the audience of this blog like it at the expense of another part of the audience. Will I get Facebook Likes? I have to stop clinging to these things but you also need to respect the audience. I don't know. It's a little bit confusing to me. I don't have the confidence of a real writer yet<br>
Here are four of my favorites<br>
How I screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2mm (and lost another $100mm in the process<br>
It's Your Fault<br>
I'm Guilty of Torturing Wome<br>
The Girl Whose Name Was a Curs<br>
Although these three are favorites I really don't post anything unless it's my favorite of that moment<br>
8. 3 must-read books for aspiring entrepreneurs<br>
The key in an entrepreneur book: you want to learn business. You want to learn how to honestly communicate with your customers. You want to stand out<br>
The Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningha<br>
"The Thank you Economy" by Gary Vaynerchu<br>
"Purple cow" by Seth Godi<br>
9. I love your writing, so do so many others out there. Who are your favorite writers<br>
"Jesus's Son" by Denis Johnson is the best collection of short stories ever written. I'm afraid I really don't like his novels though<br>
"Tangents" by M. Prado. A beautiful series of graphic stories about relationships<br>
Other writers: Miranda July, Ariel Leve, Mary Gaitskill, Charles Bukowski, [ Celine UK], Sam Lipsyte, William Vollmann, Raymond Carver. Arthur Nersesian. Stephen Dubner<br>
Many writers are only really good storytellers. Most writers come out of a cardboard factory MFA system and lack a real voice. A real voice is where every word exposes ten levels of hypocrisy in the world and brings us all the way back to see reality. The writers above have their own voices, their own pains, and their unique ways of expressing those pains. Some of them are funny. Some a little more dark. I wish I could write 1/10 as good as any of them<br><br>
10. You are a prolific writer. Do you have any hacks that help you write a lot in little time<br>
Coffee, plus everything else coffee does for you first thing in the morning<br>
Only write about things you either love or hate. But if you hate something, try to find a tiny gem buried in the bag of dirt so you can reach in when nobody is looking and put that gem in your pocket. Stealing a diamond in all the shit around us and then giving it away for free via writing is a nice little hack, Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack<br><br>
11. I totally get and love your idea about bleeding as a writer, appreciate if you share more with the readers of this blog<br>
Most people worry about what other people think of them. Most people worry about their health. Most people are at a crossroads and don't know how to take the next step and which road to take it on. Everyone is in a perpetual state of 'where do I put my foot next'. Nobody, including me, can avoid that<br>
You and I both need to wash our faces in the morning, brush our teeth, shower, shit, eat, fight the weather, fight the colds that want to attack us if we're not ready. Fight loneliness or learn how to love and appreciate the people who want to love you back. And learn how to forgive and love the people who are even more stupid and cruel than we are. We're afraid to tell each other these things because they are all both disgusting and true<br>
You and I both have the same color blood. If I cut my wrist open you can see the color of my blood. You look at it and see that it's the same color as yours. We have something in common. It doesn't have to be shameful. It's just red. Now we're friends. No matter whom you are or where you are from. I didn't have to lie to you to get you to be my friend<br>
Related Links<br>
How to be a Psychic in Ten Easy Lesson<br>
My New Year's Resolution in 199<br>
12. What is your advice for young entrepreneurs<br>
Only build something you really want to use yourself. There's got to be one thing you are completely desperate for and no matter where you look you can't find it. Nobody has invented it yet. So there you go - you invent it. If there's other people like you, you have a business. Else. You fail. Then do it again. Until it works. One day it will<br>
Follow these 100 Rules<br>
The 100 Rules for Being a Good Entrepreneur<br>
And, in particular this<br>
The Easiest Way to Succeed as an Entrepreneu<br>
In my just released book I have more chapters on my experiences as an entrepreneur<br>
13. I advocate the concept of working at a job while building your business. You have of course lived it. Now as you look back, what is your take on this? Is it possible to make it work while sailing on two boats<br><br>
Your boss wants everything out of you. He wants you to work 80 hours a week. He wants to look good taking credit for your work. He wants your infinite loyalty. So you need something back<br>
Exploit your employer. It's the best way to get good experience, clients, contacts. It's a legal way to steal. It's a fast way to be an entrepreneur because you see what large companies with infinite money are willing to pay for. If you can provide that, you make millions. It's how many great businesses have started and will always start. It's how every exit I've had started<br><br>
14. Who is a "person with true moral fiber"? In current times are there any role models who are people with true moral fiber<br>
I don't really know the answer. I think I know a few people like that. I hope I'm someone like that. And I pray to god the people I'm invested in are like that and my family is like that<br>
I find most people to be largely mean and stupid, a vile combination. It's not that I'm pessimistic or cynical. I'm very much an optimist. It's just reality. Open the newspaper or turn on the TV and watch these people<br>
Moral fiber atrophies more quickly than any muscle on the body. An exercise I do every morning is to promise myself that "I'm going to save a life today" and then leave it in the hands of the Universe to direct me how I can best do that. Through that little exercise plus the Daily Practice described above I hope to keep regenerating that fiber<br>
15.  Your message to the readers of this blog<br>
Skip dinner. But follow me on Twitter.<br>
Read more posts on The Altucher Confidential �
More from The Altucher Confidentia<br>
Life is Like a Game. Here�s How You Master ANY Gam<br><br>
Step By Step Guide to Make $10 Million And Then Totally Blow <br><br>
Can You Do One Page a Day?

Latest revision as of 13:34, 6 January 2015

Four or five years ago, a reader of some of my columns bought the domain name and gave it to me as a birthday gift. It was a total surprise to me. I didn't even know the reader. I hope one day we meet.
Two years ago a friend of mine, Tim Sykes, insisted I had to have a blog. He set it up for me. He even wrote the "About Me". I didn't want a blog. I had nothing to say. But about 6 or 7 months ago I decided I wanted to take this blog seriously. I kept putting off changing the "About Me" which was no longer really about me and maybe never was.
A few weeks ago I did a chapter in one of the books in Seth Godin's "The Domino Project". The book is out and called "No Idling". Mohit Pewar organized it (here's Mohit's blog) and sent me a bunch of questions recently. It's intended to be an interview on his blog but I hope Mohit forgives me because I want to use it as my new "About Me" also.
1. You are a trader, investor, writer, and entrepreneur? Which of these roles you enjoy the most and why?
When I first moved to New York City in 1994 I wanted to be everything to everyone. I had spent the six years prior to that writing a bunch of unpublished novels and unpublished short stories. I must've sent out 100s of stories to literary journals. I got form rejections from every publisher, journal, and agent I sent my novels and stories to.
Now, in 1994, everything was possible. The money was in NYC. Media was here. I lived in my 10�10 room and pulled suits out of a garbage bag every morning but it didn't matter...the internet was revving up and I knew how to build a website. One of the few in the city. My sister warned me though: nobody here is your friend. Everybody wants something
And I wanted something. I wanted the fleeting feelings of success, for the first time ever, in order to feel better about myself. I wanted a girl next to me. I wanted to build and sell companies and finally prove to everyone I was the smartest. I wanted to do a TV show. I wanted to write books
But everything involved having a master. Clients. Employers. Investors. Publishers. The market (the deadliest master of all). Employees. I was a slave to everyone for so many years. And the more shackles I had on, the lonelier I got
Much of the time, even when I had those moments of success, I didn't know how to turn it into a better life. I felt ugly and then later, I felt stupid when I would let the success dribble away down the sink
I love writing because every now and then that ugliness turns into honesty. When I write, I'm only a slave to myself. When I do all of those other things you ask about, I'm a slave to everyone else
Some links
33 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Write
"The Tooth
(one of my favorite posts on my blog
2. What inspires you to get up and start working/writing every day
The other day I had breakfast with a fascinating guy who had just sold a piece of his fund of funds. He told me what "fracking" was and how the US was going to be a major oil player again. We spoke for two hours about a wide range of topics, including what happens when we can finally implant a google chip in our brains
After that I had to go onto NPR because I firmly believe that in one important respect we are degenerating as a country - we are graduating a generation of indentured servants who will spend 50 years or more paying down their student debt rather than starting companies and curing cancer. So maybe I made a difference
Then I had lunch with a guy I hadn't seen in ten years. In those ten years he had gone to jail and now I was finally taking the time to forgive him for something he never did to me. I felt bad I hadn't helped him when he was at his low point. Then I came home and watched my kid play clarinet at her school. Then I read until I fell asleep. Today I did nothing but write. Both days inspired me
It also inspires me that I'm being asked these questions. Whenever anyone asks me to do anything I'm infinitely grateful. Why me? I feel lucky. I like it when someone cares what I think. I'll write and do things as long as anyone cares. I honestly probably wouldn't write if nobody cared. I don't have enough humility for that, I'm ashamed to admit
3. Your new book "How to be the luckiest person alive" has just come out. What is it about
When I was a kid I thought I needed certain things: a college education from a great school, a great home, a lot of money, someone who would love me with ease. I wanted people to think I was smart. I wanted people to think I was even special. And as I grew older more and more goals got added to the list: a high chess rating, a published book, perfect weather, good friends, respect in various fields, etc. I lied to myself that I needed these things to be happy. The world was going to work hard to give me these things, I thought. But it turned out the world owed me no favors
And gradually, over time, I lost everything I had ever gained. Several times. I've paced at night so many times wondering what the hell was I going to do next or trying not to care. The book is about regaining your sanity, regaining your happiness, finding luck in all the little pockets of life that people forget about. It's about turning away from the religion you've been hypnotized into believing into the religion you can find inside yourself every moment of the day
[Note: in a few days I'm going to do a post on self-publishing and also how to get the ebook for free. The link above is to the paperback. Kindle should be ready soon also.
Related link: Why I Write Books Even Though I've Lost Money On Every Book I've Ever Writte
4. Is it possible to accelerate success? If yes, how
Yes, and it's the only way I know actually to achieve success. It's by following the Daily Practice I outline in this post:
It's the only way I know to exercise every muscle from the inside of you to the outside of you. I firmly believe that happiness starts with that practice
5. You say that discipline, persistence and psychology are important if one has to achieve success. How can one work on improving "psychology" part
Success doesn't really mean anything. People want to be happy in a harsh and unforgiving world. It's very difficult. We're so lucky most of us live in countries without major wars. Our kids aren't getting killed by random gunfire. We all have cell phones. We all can communicate with each other on the Internet. We have Google to catalog every piece of information in history! We are so amazingly lucky already
How can it be I was so lucky to be born into such a body? In New York City of all places? Just by being born in such a way on this planet was an amazing success
So what else is there? The fact is that most of us, including me, have a hard time being happy with such ready-made success. We quickly adapt and want so much more out of life. It's not wars or disease that kill us. It's the minor inconveniences that add up in life. It's the times we feel slighted or betrayed. Or even slightly betrayed. Or overcharged. Or we miss a train. Or it's raining today. Or the dishwasher doesn't work. Or the supermarket doesn't have the food we like. We forget how good the snow tasted when we were kids. Now we want gourmet food at every meal
Taking a step back, doing the Daily Practice I outline in the question above. For me, the results of that bring me happiness. That's success. Today. And hopefully tomorrow
6. You advocate not sending kids to college. What if kids grow up and then blame their parents about not letting them get a college education
I went to one of my kid's music recitals yesterday. She was happy to see me. I hugged her afterwards. She played "the star wars theme" on the clarinet. I wish I could've played that for my parents. My other daughter has a dance recital in a few weeks. I tried to give her tips but she laughed at me. I was quite the breakdancer in my youth. The nerdiest breakdancer on the planet. I want to be present for them. To love them. To let them always know that in their own dark moments, they know I will listen to them. I love them. Even when they cry and don't always agree with me. Even when they laugh at me because sometimes I act like a clown
Later, if they want to blame me for anything at all then I will still love them. That's my "what if"
Two posts
I want my daughters to be lesbian
Advice I want to give my daughter

7. Four of your favorite posts from The Altucher Confidential
As soon as I publish a post I get scared to death. Is it good? Will people re-tweet? Will one part of the audience of this blog like it at the expense of another part of the audience. Will I get Facebook Likes? I have to stop clinging to these things but you also need to respect the audience. I don't know. It's a little bit confusing to me. I don't have the confidence of a real writer yet
Here are four of my favorites
How I screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2mm (and lost another $100mm in the process
It's Your Fault
I'm Guilty of Torturing Wome
The Girl Whose Name Was a Curs
Although these three are favorites I really don't post anything unless it's my favorite of that moment
8. 3 must-read books for aspiring entrepreneurs
The key in an entrepreneur book: you want to learn business. You want to learn how to honestly communicate with your customers. You want to stand out
The Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningha
"The Thank you Economy" by Gary Vaynerchu
"Purple cow" by Seth Godi
9. I love your writing, so do so many others out there. Who are your favorite writers
"Jesus's Son" by Denis Johnson is the best collection of short stories ever written. I'm afraid I really don't like his novels though
"Tangents" by M. Prado. A beautiful series of graphic stories about relationships
Other writers: Miranda July, Ariel Leve, Mary Gaitskill, Charles Bukowski, Celine UK, Sam Lipsyte, William Vollmann, Raymond Carver. Arthur Nersesian. Stephen Dubner
Many writers are only really good storytellers. Most writers come out of a cardboard factory MFA system and lack a real voice. A real voice is where every word exposes ten levels of hypocrisy in the world and brings us all the way back to see reality. The writers above have their own voices, their own pains, and their unique ways of expressing those pains. Some of them are funny. Some a little more dark. I wish I could write 1/10 as good as any of them

10. You are a prolific writer. Do you have any hacks that help you write a lot in little time
Coffee, plus everything else coffee does for you first thing in the morning
Only write about things you either love or hate. But if you hate something, try to find a tiny gem buried in the bag of dirt so you can reach in when nobody is looking and put that gem in your pocket. Stealing a diamond in all the shit around us and then giving it away for free via writing is a nice little hack, Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack

11. I totally get and love your idea about bleeding as a writer, appreciate if you share more with the readers of this blog
Most people worry about what other people think of them. Most people worry about their health. Most people are at a crossroads and don't know how to take the next step and which road to take it on. Everyone is in a perpetual state of 'where do I put my foot next'. Nobody, including me, can avoid that
You and I both need to wash our faces in the morning, brush our teeth, shower, shit, eat, fight the weather, fight the colds that want to attack us if we're not ready. Fight loneliness or learn how to love and appreciate the people who want to love you back. And learn how to forgive and love the people who are even more stupid and cruel than we are. We're afraid to tell each other these things because they are all both disgusting and true
You and I both have the same color blood. If I cut my wrist open you can see the color of my blood. You look at it and see that it's the same color as yours. We have something in common. It doesn't have to be shameful. It's just red. Now we're friends. No matter whom you are or where you are from. I didn't have to lie to you to get you to be my friend
Related Links
How to be a Psychic in Ten Easy Lesson
My New Year's Resolution in 199
12. What is your advice for young entrepreneurs
Only build something you really want to use yourself. There's got to be one thing you are completely desperate for and no matter where you look you can't find it. Nobody has invented it yet. So there you go - you invent it. If there's other people like you, you have a business. Else. You fail. Then do it again. Until it works. One day it will
Follow these 100 Rules
The 100 Rules for Being a Good Entrepreneur
And, in particular this
The Easiest Way to Succeed as an Entrepreneu
In my just released book I have more chapters on my experiences as an entrepreneur
13. I advocate the concept of working at a job while building your business. You have of course lived it. Now as you look back, what is your take on this? Is it possible to make it work while sailing on two boats

Your boss wants everything out of you. He wants you to work 80 hours a week. He wants to look good taking credit for your work. He wants your infinite loyalty. So you need something back
Exploit your employer. It's the best way to get good experience, clients, contacts. It's a legal way to steal. It's a fast way to be an entrepreneur because you see what large companies with infinite money are willing to pay for. If you can provide that, you make millions. It's how many great businesses have started and will always start. It's how every exit I've had started

14. Who is a "person with true moral fiber"? In current times are there any role models who are people with true moral fiber
I don't really know the answer. I think I know a few people like that. I hope I'm someone like that. And I pray to god the people I'm invested in are like that and my family is like that
I find most people to be largely mean and stupid, a vile combination. It's not that I'm pessimistic or cynical. I'm very much an optimist. It's just reality. Open the newspaper or turn on the TV and watch these people
Moral fiber atrophies more quickly than any muscle on the body. An exercise I do every morning is to promise myself that "I'm going to save a life today" and then leave it in the hands of the Universe to direct me how I can best do that. Through that little exercise plus the Daily Practice described above I hope to keep regenerating that fiber
15. Your message to the readers of this blog
Skip dinner. But follow me on Twitter.
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