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If you have the desire to procedure settings quickly, loading files instantly, but the body is logy and torpid, what would you do? If you are a giant "switchboard" which is lack of effective administration system plus efficient housekeeper, what would we do? If you have send a exact commands to a notice, nevertheless the body cannot perform correctly, what would we do? Yes! We want a full-featured repair registry!<br><br>Your PC registry starts to receive mistakes plus fragmented the more you utilize the computer considering you enter more information each time, and create changes inside our systems plus setup. When the registry begins to receive overloaded and full of errors, your computer will eventually crash. It is possible to fix it on your own however, extremely dangerous, especially if you have no extensive experience in doing this. Therefore, do NOT even attempt to do this yourself.<br><br>System tray icon makes it simple to launch the system plus displays "clean" status or the number of errors inside the last scan. The ability to obtain plus remove the Invalid class keys plus shell extensions is regarded as the principal blessings of the system. That is not usual function for the other Registry Cleaners. Class keys plus shell extensions that are not working will seriously slow down the computer. RegCure scans to locate invalid entries and delete them.<br><br>Windows errors could be caused by any amount of factors, but there's virtually constantly one cause. There's a hidden piece of your system that is responsible for creating 90% of all Windows errors, and it's called the 'registry'. This is the central database for the program plus is where the computer shops all its program files plus settings. It's a really important part of Windows, which is demands to be capable to function. However, it's furthermore one of the biggest causes of difficulties on a PC.<br><br>Another choice when arresting the 1328 error is to wash out your PC's registry. The registry is pretty important as it is where settings plus files chosen by Windows for running are stored. As it happens to be frequently used, breakdowns plus situations of files getting corrupted are not unusual. Additionally due to the technique it is very configured, the "registry" gets saved in the incorrect fashion continually, which makes your program run slow, ultimately causing a PC to suffer from a series of mistakes. The best system 1 may use in cleaning out registries is to utilize a reliable [ tuneup utilities 2014] program. A registry cleaner can find out and repair corrupted registry files plus settings permitting one's computer to run normally again.<br><br>Active X controls are utilized over the entire spectrum of computer plus web technologies. These controls are called the building blocks of the web and as the glue that puts it all together. It is a standard which is utilized by all programmers to make the internet more valuable plus interactive. Without these control guidelines there would basically be no public web.<br><br>The 'registry' is merely the central database which stores all your settings and choices. It's a truly important piece of the XP program, meaning that Windows is regularly adding and updating the files inside it. The difficulties occur whenever Windows actually corrupts & loses some of these files. This makes your computer run slow, because it attempts hard to find them again.<br><br>Thus, the greatest thing to do when your computer runs slow is to buy an authentic and legal registry repair tool which would aid you eliminate all problems associated to registry plus help you enjoy a smooth running computer.
{{Other uses|Rotation operator (disambiguation)}}
{{Quantum mechanics}}
This article concerns the '''[[rotation]] [[Operator (physics)|operator]]''', as it appears in [[quantum mechanics]].
==Quantum mechanical rotations==
With every physical rotation R, we postulate a quantum mechanical rotation operator D(R) which rotates quantum mechanical states.
:<math>| \alpha \rangle_R = D(R) |\alpha \rangle</math>
In terms of the generators of rotation,
:<math>D (\mathbf{\hat n},\phi)  = \exp \left( -i \phi \frac{\mathbf{\hat n} \cdot \mathbf J }{ \hbar} \right)</math>
Please see [ "rotations in quantum mechanics"] for details.
==The translation operator==
The [[rotation]] [[Operator (physics)|operator]] <math>\,\mbox{R}(z, \theta)</math>, with the first argument <math>\,z</math> indicating the rotation [[Cartesian coordinate system|axis]] and the second <math>\,\theta</math> the rotation angle, can operate through the [[Displacement operator|translation operator]] <math>\,\mbox{T}(a)</math> for infinitesimal rotations as explained below. This is why, it is first shown how the translation operator is acting on a particle at position x (the particle is then in the [[quantum state|state]] <math>|x\rangle</math> according to [[Quantum Mechanics]]).
Translation of the particle at position x to position x+a: <math>\mbox{T}(a)|x\rangle = |x + a\rangle</math>       
Because a translation of 0 does not change the position of the particle, we have (with 1 meaning the [[identity function|identity operator]], which does nothing):
:<math>\,\mbox{T}(0) = 1</math>
:<math>\,\mbox{T}(a) \mbox{T}(da)|x\rangle = \mbox{T}(a)|x + da\rangle = |x + a + da\rangle = \mbox{T}(a + da)|x\rangle \Rightarrow</math>
:<math>\,\mbox{T}(a) \mbox{T}(da) = \mbox{T}(a + da)</math>
[[Taylor series|Taylor]] development gives:
:<math>\,\mbox{T}(da) = \mbox{T}(0) + \frac{d\mbox{T}(0)}{da} da + ... = 1 - \frac{i}{h}\ p_x\ da</math>
:<math>\,p_x = i h \frac{d\mbox{T}(0)}{da}</math>
From that follows:
:<math>\,\mbox{T}(a + da) = \mbox{T}(a) \mbox{T}(da) = \mbox{T}(a)\left(1 - \frac{i}{h} p_x da\right) \Rightarrow</math>
:<math>\,[\mbox{T}(a + da) - \mbox{T}(a)]/da = \frac{d\mbox{T}}{da} = - \frac{i}{h} p_x \mbox{T}(a)</math>
This is a [[differential equation]] with the solution <math>\,\mbox{T}(a) = \mbox{exp}\left(- \frac{i}{h} p_x a\right)</math>.
Additionally, suppose a [[Hamilton's equations|Hamiltonian]] <math>\,H</math> is independent of the <math>\,x</math> position. Because the translation operator can be written in terms of <math>\,p_x</math>, and <math>\,[p_x,H]=0</math>, we know that <math>\,[H,\mbox{T}(a)]=0</math>. This result means that linear [[momentum]] for the system is conserved.
==In relation to the orbital angular momentum==
Classically we have for the [[angular momentum]] <math>\,l = r \times p</math>. This is the same in [[quantum mechanics]] considering <math>\,r</math> and <math>\,p</math> as operators. Classically, an infinitesimal rotation <math>\,dt</math> of the vector r=(x,y,z) about the z-axis to r'=(x',y',z) leaving z unchanged can be expressed by the following infinitesimal translations (using [[Taylor series|Taylor approximation]]):
:<math>\,x' = r \cos(t + dt) = x - y dt + ...</math>
:<math>\,y' = r \sin(t + dt) = y + x dt + ...</math>
From that follows for states:
:<math>\,\mbox{R}(z, dt)|r\rangle</math><math>= \mbox{R}(z, dt)|x, y, z\rangle</math><math>= |x - y dt, y + x dt, z\rangle</math><math>= \mbox{T}_x(-y dt) \mbox{T}_y(x dt)|x, y, z\rangle</math><math>= \mbox{T}_x(-y dt) \mbox{T}_y(x dt)|r\rangle</math>
And consequently:
:<math>\,\mbox{R}(z, dt) = \mbox{T}_x (-y dt) \mbox{T}_y(x dt)</math>
Using <math>\,T_k(a) = \exp\left(- \frac{i}{h}\ p_k\ a\right)</math> from above with <math>\,k = x,y</math> and Taylor development we get:
:<math>\,\mbox{R}(z, dt) = \exp\left[- \frac{i}{h}\ (x p_y - y p_x) dt\right]</math><math>= \exp\left(- \frac{i}{h}\ l_z dt\right) = 1 - \frac{i}{h} l_z dt + ...</math>
with l<sub>z</sub> = x p<sub>y</sub> - y p<sub>x</sub> the z-component of the angular momentum according to the classical [[cross product]].
To get a rotation for the angle <math>\,t</math>, we construct the following differential equation using the condition <math>\mbox{R}(z, 0) = 1</math>:
:<math>\,\mbox{R}(z, t + dt) = \mbox{R}(z, t) \mbox{R}(z, dt) \Rightarrow</math>
:<math>\,[\mbox{R}(z, t + dt) - \mbox{R}(z, t)]/dt = d\mbox{R}/dt</math><math>\,= \mbox{R}(z, t) [\mbox{R}(z, dt) - 1]/dt</math><math>\,= - \frac{i}{h} l_z \mbox{R}(z, t) \Rightarrow</math>
:<math>\,\mbox{R}(z, t) = \exp\left(- \frac{i}{h}\ t\ l_z\right)</math>
Similar to the translation operator, if we are given a Hamiltonian <math>\,H</math> which rotationally symmetric about the z axis, <math>\,[l_z,H]=0</math> implies <math>\,[\mbox{R}(z,t),H]=0</math>. This result means that angular momentum is conserved.
For the spin angular momentum about the y-axis we just replace <math>\,l_z</math> with <math>\,S_y = \frac{h}{2} \sigma_y</math> and we get the [[spin (physics)|spin]] rotation operator <math>\,\mbox{D}(y, t) = \exp\left(- i \frac{t}{2} \sigma_y\right)</math>.
==Effect on the spin operator and quantum states==
{{Main|Spin (physics)#Spin and rotations}}
Operators can be represented by [[Matrix (mathematics)|matrices]]. From [[linear algebra]] one knows that a certain matrix <math>\,A</math> can be represented in another [[basis (linear algebra)|basis]] through the transformation
:<math>\,A' = P A P^{-1}</math>
where <math>\,P</math> is the basis transformation matrix. If the vectors <math>\,b</math> respectively <math>\,c</math> are the z-axis in one basis respectively another, they are perpendicular to the y-axis with a certain angle <math>\,t</math> between them. The spin operator <math>\,S_b</math> in the first basis can then be transformed into the spin operator <math>\,S_c</math> of the other basis through the following transformation:
:<math>\,S_c = \mbox{D}(y, t) S_b \mbox{D}^{-1}(y, t)</math>
From standard quantum mechanics we have the known results <math>\,S_b |b+\rangle = \frac{\hbar}{2} |b+\rangle</math> and <math>\,S_c |c+\rangle = \frac{\hbar}{2} |c+\rangle</math> where  <math>\,|b+\rangle</math> and <math>\,|c+\rangle</math> are the top spins in their corresponding bases. So we have:
:<math>\,\frac{\hbar}{2} |c+\rangle = S_c |c+\rangle = \mbox{D}(y, t) S_b \mbox{D}^{-1}(y, t) |c+\rangle \Rightarrow</math>
:<math>\,S_b \mbox{D}^{-1}(y, t) |c+\rangle = \frac{\hbar}{2} \mbox{D}^{-1}(y, t) |c+\rangle</math>
Comparison with <math>\,S_b |b+\rangle = \frac{\hbar}{2} |b+\rangle</math> yields <math>\,|b+\rangle = D^{-1}(y, t) |c+\rangle</math>.
This means that if the state <math>\,|c+\rangle</math> is rotated about the y-axis by an angle <math>\,t</math>, it becomes the state <math>\,|b+\rangle</math>, a result that can be generalized to arbitrary axes. It is important, for instance, in [[Sakurai's Bell inequality]].
==See also==
*[[Symmetry in quantum mechanics]]
*[[Spherical basis]]
*L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz: ''Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory'', Pergamon Press, 1985
*P.A.M. Dirac: ''The Principles of Quantum Mechanics'', Oxford University Press, 1958
*R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton and M. Sands: ''The Feynman Lectures on Physics'', Addison-Wesley, 1965
*Karin, Todd. [  ''Rotations in Quantum Mechanics.''] Unpublished Work.
==See also==
*[[Optical phase space]]
{{Physics operator}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Rotation Operator (Quantum Mechanics)}}
[[Category:Rotational symmetry]]
[[Category:Quantum mechanics]]

Revision as of 13:30, 15 January 2014

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This article concerns the rotation operator, as it appears in quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanical rotations

With every physical rotation R, we postulate a quantum mechanical rotation operator D(R) which rotates quantum mechanical states.

In terms of the generators of rotation,

Please see "rotations in quantum mechanics" for details.

The translation operator

The rotation operator , with the first argument indicating the rotation axis and the second the rotation angle, can operate through the translation operator for infinitesimal rotations as explained below. This is why, it is first shown how the translation operator is acting on a particle at position x (the particle is then in the state according to Quantum Mechanics).

Translation of the particle at position x to position x+a:

Because a translation of 0 does not change the position of the particle, we have (with 1 meaning the identity operator, which does nothing):

Taylor development gives:


From that follows:

This is a differential equation with the solution .

Additionally, suppose a Hamiltonian is independent of the position. Because the translation operator can be written in terms of , and , we know that . This result means that linear momentum for the system is conserved.

In relation to the orbital angular momentum

Classically we have for the angular momentum . This is the same in quantum mechanics considering and as operators. Classically, an infinitesimal rotation of the vector r=(x,y,z) about the z-axis to r'=(x',y',z) leaving z unchanged can be expressed by the following infinitesimal translations (using Taylor approximation):

From that follows for states:

And consequently:

Using from above with and Taylor development we get:

with lz = x py - y px the z-component of the angular momentum according to the classical cross product.

To get a rotation for the angle , we construct the following differential equation using the condition :

Similar to the translation operator, if we are given a Hamiltonian which rotationally symmetric about the z axis, implies . This result means that angular momentum is conserved.

For the spin angular momentum about the y-axis we just replace with and we get the spin rotation operator .

Effect on the spin operator and quantum states

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Operators can be represented by matrices. From linear algebra one knows that a certain matrix can be represented in another basis through the transformation

where is the basis transformation matrix. If the vectors respectively are the z-axis in one basis respectively another, they are perpendicular to the y-axis with a certain angle between them. The spin operator in the first basis can then be transformed into the spin operator of the other basis through the following transformation:

From standard quantum mechanics we have the known results and where and are the top spins in their corresponding bases. So we have:

Comparison with yields .

This means that if the state is rotated about the y-axis by an angle , it becomes the state , a result that can be generalized to arbitrary axes. It is important, for instance, in Sakurai's Bell inequality.

See also


  • L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz: Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory, Pergamon Press, 1985
  • P.A.M. Dirac: The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 1958
  • R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton and M. Sands: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, 1965
  • Karin, Todd. Rotations in Quantum Mechanics. Unpublished Work.

See also

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