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{{Unreferenced stub|auto=yes|date=December 2009}}
== さあ、肉は太刀打ちできない ==
'''Atmospheric focusing''' is a phenomenon occurring when a large [[shock wave]] is produced in the [[Earth's atmosphere|atmosphere]], as in a [[nuclear explosion]] or large extraterrestrial object impact. The shock wave is [[refraction|refracted]] horizontally by density variations in the atmosphere so that it can have impacts in localized areas much further away than the theoretical extent of its blast effect. In large bombs, some effects may thus be found hundreds of kilometers from the blast site (such as in the case of the [[Tsar Bomba]] test, where damage was caused up to approximately 1,000 km away).

This effect operates similarly to the patterns made by sunlight on the bottom of a pool, the difference is that the light is bent at the contact point with the water while the shock wave is distorted by [[density]] variations (e.g. due to temperature variations) in the atmosphere. Variations of [[wind]] can cause a similar effect. This will disperse the shock wave at some places and focus it at others. For powerful shock waves this can cause damage farther than expected; the shock wave energy density will decrease beyond expected values [[inverse-square law|based on uniform geometry]] (<math>1/r^2</math> falloff for weak shock or acoustic waves, as expected at large distances).
さあ、肉は太刀打ちできない [ 財布 プラダ レディース]。<br>だから、彼が戻って急いで、しかし、このリリースfeijian若者は、さらに彼ボディラップに、指がFeijianが突然、影の数十を破裂、びっくりすることを意味無効になる彼にはほとんどのレッスンを与えているようだ見下す。<br>ぷち!<br>feijian [ prada ベルト] Jianguang、彼の上に落ちたが、現時点では、唯一の体自身の「カウボルトの死マップ」に掛け李を結んだと感じるように少しびっくり。 でも、内部の彼の服に入らなかった<br>Jianguangは、ニュースは外に無傷で、なくなって [ prada メンズ 財布]。<br>はもともと、20日で、一日プリンセス剣術と赤李牙風邪」はカウボルト死マップ」は、今日のクローズアップ眠りに落ちるしないとみなされ、身体に装着し、彼はこの絵を知っていた、信じられないほどがあるパワー、あなたの人生を保存することができます [ プラダ メンズ ベルト]。 今<br>、本当に驚き、相手のfeijianを奪う [ プラダ 財布 2014]。<br>'何!'

{{DEFAULTSORT:Atmospheric Focusing}}
== 'レグルス壊れ驚き ==
[[Category:Shock waves]]
[[Category:Nuclear weapons]]

天軍が存在するが、王室の妖精、古代の賢人、総合的な強さに多くの、ハルマゲドンに単純​​である。<br>」。とにかく、越祖先は、限りmén'mが探してたように、私は彼らにすべてのバックをさせないように何日を持っている [ プラダ メンズ ベルト] '低温側にゆっくりと、言った:'この時間は、彼らが血液SEを実施ホイスワイヤー試験の弟子に入ったように見える、すべて殺した。 [ prada ベルト] '<br>」。、Fengxiong衝動的ではないがしない」レグルスはすぐに壊れる言った: 'かつて彼らに弟子を殺した場合、非常に、シン·ウォンに集まった人たちの多くは正当化の中で日越Shenzongは、永遠にGanxiuしません。 [ プラダの財布] '<br>が「まあ、ない天軍男性派閥を守っだけでなく、とても誇り、「徐息子が話した言った: [ prada 財布 新作] 'オフ怖がっのように彼らは、お手数悲しい私の羽、男性の恋人宮殿を試してみろ?' '何?'レグルス壊れ驚き<br> [ 財布 プラダ レディース]。<br>第一千二百十張朱チョン<br>「偶数

== are deeply than I had realized. Fortunately ==
Gas, jet out from the pores, formed a blossoming lotus, Yingjie cut Bai Di Huang Jin Jian Qi.<br>Boom! All lotus flowers are a Jianpi scattered, Wan Hill was [ prada 財布 人気] split whole person to fly a full count baizhang outside, it was almost split into under the ring.<br>'This child, actually so ferocious! for river deities, are deeply than I had realized. Fortunately, I have just the culmination of the flesh, the integration of the Tien nine variants of supernatural powers, or else put the sword to cut up my flesh.' Wan Although Hill was split fly, [ prada 新作 財布] but in the moment of the air, the body of the milky Gangqi moment condensed into a set of armor, style simple, soft, [ プラダ新作バッグ2014] but the armor above Rune faint, large array operation, mana Pentium flow.<br>Obviously, this is a Yi Bao.<br>purely defensive in nature beneath [ prada ピンク 財布] contempt Dao. Wan Hill Road is actually owned.<br>However, with his return Xiandao Wan, the first true mass identity disciple, with a [ 財布 ブランド プラダ] low-grade
== if there are some saints ==
Some of the [ 財布 ブランド プラダ] Son, and the body contains the ancient sage's core will, and some [ プラダ 財布 修理] even have to jīng immortal Emperor's imprint, these are one hundred percent of the saints, to human reincarnation. Rather than the cold side of this false 'bone holy heritage.'<br>these people, though only temporarily Son 'ancestral immortal' for the repair, but the real outbreak, you can have power beyond the ancestral cents, because their bodies really are 'holy immortal' 'to Sin' power.<br>'terrible! every large mén faction, have this powerful presence sè the corner. seems this blood sè trials, not xiǎo really depends.' Fang chilling [ プラダ ピンク 財布] in secretly alert, although he powerful, but fists face four [ prada 財布 2014] hands, the Tigers could not move teach wolves, if there are some saints, to human reincarnation Son unite to kill him, and he only escaped, not to mention among these the Son also contains a strong body [ prada トートバッグ] of magic.<br>he could not invincible
== kill to the God Emperor group. ==
Who kill the body martial bring disaster. 'Fang sounds cold rolling again, and then his body up a punch, whether too much on the nine Qing Tian of these people, but full Gongsha Protoss army.<br>infinite vastness of his attack, kill to the God Emperor group.<br>those God Emperor [ 財布 プラダ レディース] was furious, each [ 財布 プラダ レディース] deity empire played Protoss lore of the surgery, at the same time, the virtual channel the spirit world is fully open, a steady stream of ancient demons, the Protoss army rolling out numerous Gods God Emperor condensed into a large array, enough to kill immortal, countless magic, converging torrent, kill the body directly to the side of the cold!<br>earthshaking big impact.<br>side blow cold, actually was repulsed down, although many Protoss rain [ 長財布 プラダ] falling down in general, but the emperor was a god [ プラダ 財布 迷彩] and was not to kill, but is imaginary spirit world, the transfer to the ancient power of [ 長財布 prada] the party cold Zhang Li collapse.<br>'Seven Wonders!'
== remaining seven disciples warrior god prison ==
Projections with?: 'If this person [ prada ピンク 財布] was promoted to the ancestral cents, I would far from his opponent, just that punch, like thirty-three days Boxer legendary creator, who is [ プラダ 財布 アウトレット] the origin of what it really good fortune artifact Reincarnation? if I killed him, capturing Boxer. and his whole realm of heaven and earth, that would be promoted to what extent? '<br>'Kill! completely kill, dashed, [ プラダ 財布 修理] who cut the dead!'<br>remaining seven disciples warrior god prison, while the other cold attacked!<br>At the same time, that impermanence also shot, he stood on the king-order spiritual pulse, the blade of a turn, and actually turned it into two, a kill Fang cold crystal wall system, a surprise attack to Pitt fish [ プラダ 財布 レディース] and imaginary Muyun .<br>'Wind edge! these two is your woman right! I'll kill them, you see! me how their [ プラダ 財布 リボン] murder?'<br>impermanence is very insidious, sinister, does not fold means. In Jianguang swept two woman at the same time,
== seems to be a timeless stove ==
All the time in the rotation, seems to be a timeless stove, forging worldly things.<br>This is actually born [ prada スタッズ 財布] out of phase, in the ancient Taoist recorded among the 'mysterious fire [ prada トートバッグ] gold pupil' than the 'Sixth Sense evil pupil' but to win a chip.<br>rumors, born 'mysterious fire gold pupil' of the people, with forging things, the ability to earth as a furnace, get rid of all the demons barriers, refining all impurities, practicing up to speed faster [ prada トートバッグ] than a thousand times the monks.<br>this red red man fell core temple, most notably his hands, carrying a bloody head. [ prada 財布 人気] This head of hair a mess, fangs protruding eyebrows among [ prada 財布 新作] black light golden brilliant, Ugyen general blood kept dripping. Is actually a tyrannical Marie Kim Sin head.<br>this skull still alive, was put in his hand, kept the issue of vicious curse: 'Gu Changfeng, if you do not have a mysterious fire gold pupil, rip
== making his body balloon inflated in general ==
Like flying, both as child's play and [ プラダ メンズ ベルト] reliable.<br>ah! He screams, was again caught cold in the hands of party, howling loudly: 'No!', But he just shouted export, an enormous force, on infusion into his body, making his body balloon inflated in general, has become a meat ball, then slammed look, exploded in the hands [ prada ピンク 財布] of the cold side.<br>rip [ prada メンズ 財布] it! Fengrui, change<br>exploded after the person has become a shriveled skin, drooping in the hands of the cold side, and then flick, falling to reach the ground.<br>human skin impurities. usual means<br>side cold murder, directly after the people kill, [ プラダ 財布 レディース] plunder all the refined gas, leaving a human skin impurities.<br>'Yaoguang, this practice Fengrui supernatural God, the essence is pretty good, they all give you a refinery forget.' With the cold side pointing to a surge of pure [ 長財布 prada] vitality into the body behind the wind Yaoguang .

Revision as of 20:57, 21 February 2014


さあ、肉は太刀打ちできない 財布 プラダ レディース
feijian prada ベルト Jianguang、彼の上に落ちたが、現時点では、唯一の体自身の「カウボルトの死マップ」に掛け李を結んだと感じるように少しびっくり。 でも、内部の彼の服に入らなかった
Jianguangは、ニュースは外に無傷で、なくなって prada メンズ 財布
はもともと、20日で、一日プリンセス剣術と赤李牙風邪」はカウボルト死マップ」は、今日のクローズアップ眠りに落ちるしないとみなされ、身体に装着し、彼はこの絵を知っていた、信じられないほどがあるパワー、あなたの人生を保存することができます プラダ メンズ ベルト。 今
、本当に驚き、相手のfeijianを奪う プラダ 財布 2014
'何!' 相关的主题文章:


」。とにかく、越祖先は、限りmén'mが探してたように、私は彼らにすべてのバックをさせないように何日を持っている プラダ メンズ ベルト '低温側にゆっくりと、言った:'この時間は、彼らが血液SEを実施ホイスワイヤー試験の弟子に入ったように見える、すべて殺した。 prada ベルト '
」。、Fengxiong衝動的ではないがしない」レグルスはすぐに壊れる言った: 'かつて彼らに弟子を殺した場合、非常に、シン·ウォンに集まった人たちの多くは正当化の中で日越Shenzongは、永遠にGanxiuしません。 プラダの財布 '
が「まあ、ない天軍男性派閥を守っだけでなく、とても誇り、「徐息子が話した言った: prada 財布 新作 'オフ怖がっのように彼らは、お手数悲しい私の羽、男性の恋人宮殿を試してみろ?' '何?'レグルス壊れ驚き
財布 プラダ レディース
「偶数 相关的主题文章:

are deeply than I had realized. Fortunately

Gas, jet out from the pores, formed a blossoming lotus, Yingjie cut Bai Di Huang Jin Jian Qi.
Boom! All lotus flowers are a Jianpi scattered, Wan Hill was prada 財布 人気 split whole person to fly a full count baizhang outside, it was almost split into under the ring.
'This child, actually so ferocious! for river deities, are deeply than I had realized. Fortunately, I have just the culmination of the flesh, the integration of the Tien nine variants of supernatural powers, or else put the sword to cut up my flesh.' Wan Although Hill was split fly, prada 新作 財布 but in the moment of the air, the body of the milky Gangqi moment condensed into a set of armor, style simple, soft, プラダ新作バッグ2014 but the armor above Rune faint, large array operation, mana Pentium flow.
Obviously, this is a Yi Bao.
purely defensive in nature beneath prada ピンク 財布 contempt Dao. Wan Hill Road is actually owned.
However, with his return Xiandao Wan, the first true mass identity disciple, with a 財布 ブランド プラダ low-grade 相关的主题文章:

if there are some saints

Some of the 財布 ブランド プラダ Son, and the body contains the ancient sage's core will, and some プラダ 財布 修理 even have to jīng immortal Emperor's imprint, these are one hundred percent of the saints, to human reincarnation. Rather than the cold side of this false 'bone holy heritage.'
these people, though only temporarily Son 'ancestral immortal' for the repair, but the real outbreak, you can have power beyond the ancestral cents, because their bodies really are 'holy immortal' 'to Sin' power.
'terrible! every large mén faction, have this powerful presence sè the corner. seems this blood sè trials, not xiǎo really depends.' Fang chilling プラダ ピンク 財布 in secretly alert, although he powerful, but fists face four prada 財布 2014 hands, the Tigers could not move teach wolves, if there are some saints, to human reincarnation Son unite to kill him, and he only escaped, not to mention among these the Son also contains a strong body prada トートバッグ of magic.
he could not invincible 相关的主题文章:

kill to the God Emperor group.

Who kill the body martial bring disaster. 'Fang sounds cold rolling again, and then his body up a punch, whether too much on the nine Qing Tian of these people, but full Gongsha Protoss army.
infinite vastness of his attack, kill to the God Emperor group.
those God Emperor 財布 プラダ レディース was furious, each 財布 プラダ レディース deity empire played Protoss lore of the surgery, at the same time, the virtual channel the spirit world is fully open, a steady stream of ancient demons, the Protoss army rolling out numerous Gods God Emperor condensed into a large array, enough to kill immortal, countless magic, converging torrent, kill the body directly to the side of the cold!
earthshaking big impact.
side blow cold, actually was repulsed down, although many Protoss rain 長財布 プラダ falling down in general, but the emperor was a god プラダ 財布 迷彩 and was not to kill, but is imaginary spirit world, the transfer to the ancient power of 長財布 prada the party cold Zhang Li collapse.
'Seven Wonders!' 相关的主题文章:

remaining seven disciples warrior god prison

Projections with?: 'If this person prada ピンク 財布 was promoted to the ancestral cents, I would far from his opponent, just that punch, like thirty-three days Boxer legendary creator, who is プラダ 財布 アウトレット the origin of what it really good fortune artifact Reincarnation? if I killed him, capturing Boxer. and his whole realm of heaven and earth, that would be promoted to what extent? '
'Kill! completely kill, dashed, プラダ 財布 修理 who cut the dead!'
remaining seven disciples warrior god prison, while the other cold attacked!
At the same time, that impermanence also shot, he stood on the king-order spiritual pulse, the blade of a turn, and actually turned it into two, a kill Fang cold crystal wall system, a surprise attack to Pitt fish プラダ 財布 レディース and imaginary Muyun .
'Wind edge! these two is your woman right! I'll kill them, you see! me how their プラダ 財布 リボン murder?'
impermanence is very insidious, sinister, does not fold means. In Jianguang swept two woman at the same time, 相关的主题文章:

seems to be a timeless stove

All the time in the rotation, seems to be a timeless stove, forging worldly things.
This is actually born prada スタッズ 財布 out of phase, in the ancient Taoist recorded among the 'mysterious fire prada トートバッグ gold pupil' than the 'Sixth Sense evil pupil' but to win a chip.
rumors, born 'mysterious fire gold pupil' of the people, with forging things, the ability to earth as a furnace, get rid of all the demons barriers, refining all impurities, practicing up to speed faster prada トートバッグ than a thousand times the monks.
this red red man fell core temple, most notably his hands, carrying a bloody head. prada 財布 人気 This head of hair a mess, fangs protruding eyebrows among prada 財布 新作 black light golden brilliant, Ugyen general blood kept dripping. Is actually a tyrannical Marie Kim Sin head.
this skull still alive, was put in his hand, kept the issue of vicious curse: 'Gu Changfeng, if you do not have a mysterious fire gold pupil, rip 相关的主题文章:

making his body balloon inflated in general

Like flying, both as child's play and プラダ メンズ ベルト reliable.
ah! He screams, was again caught cold in the hands of party, howling loudly: 'No!', But he just shouted export, an enormous force, on infusion into his body, making his body balloon inflated in general, has become a meat ball, then slammed look, exploded in the hands prada ピンク 財布 of the cold side.
rip prada メンズ 財布 it! Fengrui, change
exploded after the person has become a shriveled skin, drooping in the hands of the cold side, and then flick, falling to reach the ground.
human skin impurities. usual means
side cold murder, directly after the people kill, プラダ 財布 レディース plunder all the refined gas, leaving a human skin impurities.
'Yaoguang, this practice Fengrui supernatural God, the essence is pretty good, they all give you a refinery forget.' With the cold side pointing to a surge of pure 長財布 prada vitality into the body behind the wind Yaoguang . 相关的主题文章: