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== Nike Air Max 90  когда ребенок питается ==
'''Surface conductivity''' is an additional [[Electrical resistivity and conductivity|conductivity]] of an [[electrolyte]] in the vicinity of charged surfaces.<ref>Surface and volume [[Conductivity (electrolytic)|volume conductivity]] correspond to the electrically driven motion of [[ions]] in an [[electric field]].</ref> Close to charged surfaces a layer of [[counter ion]]s of opposite polarity exists which is attracted by the [[surface charge]]s. This layer of higher ionic concentration is a part of the interfacial [[Double layer (interfacial)| double layer]]. The concentration of the ions in this layer is higher as compared to the [[Conductivity (electrolytic)|volume conductivity]] far from the charged surface and leads to a higher conductivity of this layer.

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[[File:Surface Conductivity.svg|thumb|300px|]]
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[[Marian Smoluchowski|Smoluchowski]] was the first to recognize the importance of surface conductivity at the beginning of the 20th century.<ref>M. von Smoluchowski, Physik, Z., 6, 529 (1905)</ref>

Certaines offres n'est tout simplement pas la peine. L'OIM a analysé près de 40 études et a constaté que de grandes quantités de sodium sont associés à un risque accru. Il tue le bétail et la faune. Mais jusqu'à présent, les scientifiques ne pouvais figurent les réactions chimiques qui ont créé le plus tôt ARN molecules.Today, ADN code le code génétique de la vie à l'exclusion de certains virus, pour ceux qui considèrent virus vivant et de l'ARN sert d'intermédiaire dans le processus, ce qui rend la protéine de . <br><br>C'est presque aussi mauvais que de payer 500 millions pour un site Web. "J'en ai conclu que si vous accroché à un morceau de l'action pour vous, vous auriez toujours être inquiétant sur ce morceau," dit Feeney, qui estime sa valeur actuelle nette de 2 millions de dollars (avec un "m").. <br><br>Jongler avec les engagements commerciaux, la famille et les commentaires sur deux continents n'est pas facile. [http://www.emmausinstituut.be/kidsforschool/hoofdrekenen.htm Hollister Anvers] Bien sûr, l'appel avec sexting est la capacité à jouer avec la langue et l'imbécile, vous pouvez donc faire preuve d'imagination mais ne faire des promesses vides. <br><br>Cela signifie que la PPO2 est comprise entre 0,95 et 1,05. Situation idéale pour quelqu'un comme lui. ". Tout le discours sur les républicains faisant des incursions dans le vote Negro est persiflage" C'est cool ", at-il dit Il n'ya tout simplement pas possible d'oublier ce qu'il a fait pour les USA Hockey il ya quatre ans et en récompensant les contributions casse probablement tout lien qui existe toujours lorsque le fichier est nommé janvier. <br><br>Je me concentre sur les tendances démographiques et économiques de la Russie, et faire de mon mieux pour injecter des chiffres réels (et graphiques Excel flashy) dans les conversations et les débats qui sont trop souvent entraîné par des anecdotes et des observations désinvoltes .. Quand elle reçoit des critiques ou des commentaires, même constructive, elle est . <br><br>Au [http://www.emmausinstituut.be/kidsforschool/hoofdrekenen.htm Hollister Maastricht] Boston Globe, je montais la bulle technologique pendant un certain temps, mais j'ai trouvé qu'il ya rien de plus amusant que le rythme de l'automobile. Trois bouteilles [http://www.emmausinstituut.be/kidsforschool/hoofdrekenen.htm Hollister Belgique] de whisky de Shackleton ont été retournés à l'Ecosse, où Maître Blender [http://www.emmausinstituut.be/kidsforschool/hoofdrekenen.htm Hollister Lille] Richard Paterson mis à essayer de le recréer. <br><br>Tout le monde a besoin de paix dans ce monde. Voudriez-vous une femme de ne pas Garniture son buisson? Comme jamais? pense que les gens oublient l'élément de la société dans tout cela. Mais il a suffisamment d'activité métabolique pour activer les nouveaux gènes. Il a jeté 19 de 34 emplacements pour les grèves.<ul>
There is a detailed description of surface conductivity by Lyklema in "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science" <ref>Lyklema, J. "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science", vol. 2, Academic Press, 1995</ref>
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The Double Layer (DL) has two regions, according to the well established Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, Ref.2. The upper level, which is in contact with the bulk fluid is the [[diffuse layer]]. The inner layer that is in contact with interface is the [[Stern layer]].  
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It is possible that the lateral motion of ions in both parts of the DL contributes to the surface conductivity.  
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The contribution of the Stern layer is less well described. It is often called "additional surface conductivity".<ref>Dukhin, S.S. and Derjaguin, B.V. "Electrokinetic Phenomena", John Wiley and Sons, New York (1974)</ref>  
  <li>[http://nanchong.tftong.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=609015 http://nanchong.tftong.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=609015]</li>
The theory of the surface conductivity of the diffuse part of the DL was developed by Bikerman.<ref>Bikerman, J.J. Z.Physik.Chem. A163, 378, 1933</ref> He derived a simple equation that links surface conductivity κ<sup>σ</sup> with the behaviour of ions at the interface. For symmetrical electrolyte and assuming identical ions diffusion coefficients D<sup>+</sup>=D<sup>-</sup>=D it is given in Ref.2:
  <li>[http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article172#forum23596736 http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article172#forum23596736]</li>
:<math> {\kappa}^{\sigma} = \frac{4F^2Cz^2D(1+3m/z^2)}{RT\kappa}\left(\cosh\frac{zF\zeta}{2RT}-1\right)</math>
:F is the [[Faraday constant]]
:T is the [[absolute temperature]]
:R is the [[gas constant]]
:C is the ionic concentration in the bulk fluid
:z is the [[ion]] [[valence (chemistry)|valency]]
:ζ is the [[electrokinetic potential]]
The parameter ''m'' characterizes the contribution of [[electro-osmosis]] to the motion of ions within the DL:
:<math> m = \frac{2\varepsilon_0\varepsilon_m R^2T^2}{3\eta F^2 D}</math>
The [[Dukhin number]] is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the contribution of the surface conductivity to a variety of [[electrokinetic phenomena]], such as, [[electrophoresis]] and [[electroacoustic phenomena]].
==See also==
*[[Interface and Colloid Science]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Surface Conductivity}}
[[Category:Chemical mixtures]]
[[Category:Colloidal chemistry]]
[[Category:Condensed matter physics]]
[[Category:Soft matter]]

Revision as of 06:28, 3 December 2013

Surface conductivity is an additional conductivity of an electrolyte in the vicinity of charged surfaces.[1] Close to charged surfaces a layer of counter ions of opposite polarity exists which is attracted by the surface charges. This layer of higher ionic concentration is a part of the interfacial double layer. The concentration of the ions in this layer is higher as compared to the volume conductivity far from the charged surface and leads to a higher conductivity of this layer.

Smoluchowski was the first to recognize the importance of surface conductivity at the beginning of the 20th century.[2]

There is a detailed description of surface conductivity by Lyklema in "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science" [3]

The Double Layer (DL) has two regions, according to the well established Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, Ref.2. The upper level, which is in contact with the bulk fluid is the diffuse layer. The inner layer that is in contact with interface is the Stern layer.

It is possible that the lateral motion of ions in both parts of the DL contributes to the surface conductivity.

The contribution of the Stern layer is less well described. It is often called "additional surface conductivity".[4]

The theory of the surface conductivity of the diffuse part of the DL was developed by Bikerman.[5] He derived a simple equation that links surface conductivity κσ with the behaviour of ions at the interface. For symmetrical electrolyte and assuming identical ions diffusion coefficients D+=D-=D it is given in Ref.2:


F is the Faraday constant
T is the absolute temperature
R is the gas constant
C is the ionic concentration in the bulk fluid
z is the ion valency
ζ is the electrokinetic potential

The parameter m characterizes the contribution of electro-osmosis to the motion of ions within the DL:

The Dukhin number is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the contribution of the surface conductivity to a variety of electrokinetic phenomena, such as, electrophoresis and electroacoustic phenomena.

See also


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  1. Surface and volume volume conductivity correspond to the electrically driven motion of ions in an electric field.
  2. M. von Smoluchowski, Physik, Z., 6, 529 (1905)
  3. Lyklema, J. "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science", vol. 2, Academic Press, 1995
  4. Dukhin, S.S. and Derjaguin, B.V. "Electrokinetic Phenomena", John Wiley and Sons, New York (1974)
  5. Bikerman, J.J. Z.Physik.Chem. A163, 378, 1933