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In [[mathematics]], [[representation theory]] is a technique for analyzing abstract [[group (mathematics)|groups]] in terms of groups of [[linear transformation]]s. See the article on [[group representations]] for an introduction. This article discusses the representation theory of groups that have a finite number of elements.
== le rime erano così buoni Pandora Milano ==

==Basic definitions==
Piccolo 'Blue' torcia di fiamma, come accendini può essere trovato (ho tirato uno fuori dalla mia tasca nel video). Questo è il più piccolo tipo di fonte di calore vorrei provare ad usare. Anche quella più leggero diventa molto caldo quando si effettua un tamburo. <br><br>: come saldare saldatura MIG Questa è una guida di base su come saldare utilizzando un gas inerte metallo (MIG) saldatore. Date un'occhiata all'interno del vostro saldatore. Un mazzo più delle informazioni, sono state raccolte da my.This è una guida di base su come saldare [ Pandora Milano] utilizzando un gas inerte metallo (MIG) saldatore. <br><br>Infine, vi è l'offset da considerare. Il tuo putter sarà o non hanno alcun offset o un certo grado di compensare, a seconda delle vostre esigenze. Un offset è immediatamente riconoscibile come la pipetta è piegata all'indietro, che permette al golfista di allineare il loro colpo con la testa sulla palla. <br><br>Se ti è piaciuto questo articolo, si prega di visitare Maverick Money Makers. Troverete che questo club può darvi all'avanguardia, strumenti 21st Century necessari per avere successo su Internet. Devo tutto il mio successo on-line a questo potente squadra di professionisti del marketing online. <br><br>Se non si vuole ciò che vuole, si dovrebbe rompere con lei. Questo si legge a me come quel coglione spostare [ Pandora Roma] alcune persone tirano dove vogliono rompere, ma hanno paura di farlo, quindi trattano i loro partner male fino a quando s / egli non la rottura, e poi non c'è bisogno di sentirsi così male su di esso. Non essere quel ragazzo. <br><br>Essere estremamente silenzioso. Questo andrà nel mio salotto dove il mio setup hifi e 'home theater' di sorta sono, insieme alla mia scrivania + imac e in generale dove mi siedo maggior parte del tempo. Io non voglio essere ascoltato qualche ventola da 80 mm in esecuzione a 5000rpm questo è solo cablate fino a correre piena velocità 24/7 su qualche scatola a buon mercato.. <br><br>Mi ricordo quando quel primo venuto fuori, le rime erano così buoni, non abbiamo potuto smettere di leggere ad alta voce l'un l'altro nel negozio. Se è possibile ottenere i ritmi della poesia di lavorare in un libro per bambini '(Dr. Seuss!), È magico. <br><br>Per dire che è importante avere un rapporto personale con Dio è un eufemismo lordo. Come esseri mortali, noi siamo totalmente dipendente da Dio per [ Mbt Milano] la nostra stessa esistenza. Per essere separati da Lui deve essere scollegato dal potere dell'universo. <br><br>Io non sono [ Occhiali Da Sole Gucci] uno di zucchero cappotto cose e ho deciso che ora non sarebbe un momento particolarmente buono per essere trovato mentire. Ancora una volta, ho risposto di sì. Giusto, l'ufficiale ha chiesto che cosa esattamente stavo facendo in un letto con un uomo sposato..<ul>
All the linear representations in this article are finite dimensional and assumed to be [[complex number|complex]] unless otherwise stated. A '''representation of ''G'' ''' is a [[group homomorphism]] ρ:''G'' → GL(''n'','''C''') from ''G'' to the [[general linear group]] GL(''n'','''C'''). Thus to specify a representation, we just assign a square matrix to each element of the group, in such a way that the matrices behave in the same way as the group elements when multiplied together.  

We say that ρ is a '''[[real representation]] of G''' if the matrices are real, i.e. if ρ(''G'') ⊂ GL(''n'','''R''').
== Quindi Louis Vuitton Palermo ==

==Other formulations ==
Quindi, provare esercizi di respirazione. Prendi un po 'd'aria e isolarsi per pochi a minuti. Respirare in un sacchetto di doggie può anche fare bene; questo [ Louis Vuitton Palermo] significa che è necessario disporre di un pronto per l'uso in qualsiasi momento si sente che il panico si profila dentro. <br><br>Non era così difficile l'altra volta abbiamo [ Occhiali Da Vista Gucci] giocato a Valencia, ma io solo bisogno di essere pronti questa volta. 'Murray deve ancora cadere un set ai campionati di quest'anno, ed è così contento che non è stato costretto a ricorrere ai servizi di psicologo Alexis Castorri.He è stato introdotto al terapeuta Florida di allenatore Ivan Lendl e Castorri emerso come una figura chiave come Murray mise le delusioni del Grande Slam dietro di lui a sollevare il Open.Andy Stati Uniti ha detto:. 'Non ho parlato con lei per un po 'Intorno a quel periodo, dopo Wimbledon l'anno scorso non avevo recuperato dalle perdite Slam particolarmente bene. <br><br>Si dovrebbe anche considerare che vivono fuori della 2/3 a Brooklyn, perché il trasferimento al 1 è solo attraverso la piattaforma di Chambers (ho usato per fare i pendolari). [ Occhiali Gucci] È 1.200 dollari quanto siete disposti a pagare per affitto o quanto si deve vivere ogni mese? Perché per 1.200 dollari in affitto è possibile ottenere un 1 camera da letto in ogni moda e prossimo quartiere di Brooklyn facilmente, compreso Prospect Heights. Se significa che avete 1.200 dollari al mese per vivere allora $ 700 per una camera è più quello che stai cercando, che non sta per ottenere un posto in Clinton Hill a meno che non sei fortunato. <br><br>Goldsmith raccoglie sul fatto che Morris si trovò casualmente aggiungendo le sue stesse parole come 'scorciatoia' di Kerouac permette al lettore di completare le frasi nelle loro teste. Morris poi sarebbe eliminare le proprie aggiunte nel processo di verifica, ma ammette che potrebbe aver perso un po '. Goldsmith suggerisce che l'appropriazione di Morris del testo 'non deve essere un mero passaggio lungo di informazione', ma qualcosa di più creativo che potrebbe portare a diverse versioni e integrazioni remixa anche di un testo già esistente. <br><br>Anche incoraggiato HR a non confondere i modelli di business che confortevoli per quelli che dovrebbero essere advancing.Do non confondere un portafoglio di progetti, programmi e politiche anche se certamente tutto il necessario un sistema di cambiamento, ha said.So come fa il valore delle risorse umane più del valore intangibile di persone, tutti vogliono e hanno bisogno di una molto più trasparente l'esperienza, mobili e coinvolgente in una organizzazione molto piatta? Antipasti Benko posed.For, ha detto, considerano il fatto che la fiducia che sanno e scelgono di seguire più dei loro leader aziendali. Citando la ricerca di Edelman 2013 si fidano Barometro, ha detto ai partecipanti che il 69 per cento degli intervistati ha detto che quelli che sentono sono esperti di più rispetto ai loro datori di lavoro o amministratori delegati. Società ha anche mostrato che hanno capito tutto [ Tiffany Collane] questo, ha detto Benko, ha mostrato il 40 per cento in più redditività, il 78 per cento in più di produttività e il 100 per cento in più rendimento delle attività..<ul>
A representation ρ: ''G'' → GL(''n'','''C''') defines a [[group action]] of ''G'' on the vector space '''C'''<sup>n</sup>. Moreover this action completely determines ρ. Hence to specify a representation it is enough to specify how it acts on its representing vector space.
Alternatively, the action of a group ''G'' on a complex vector space ''V''
induces a left action of the [[group ring|group algebra]] '''C'''[''G''] on the vector space ''V'', and vice-versa. Hence representations are equivalent to left '''C'''[''G'']-modules.
The [[group ring|group algebra]] '''C'''[''G''] is a |''G''|-dimensional algebra over the complex numbers, on which ''G'' acts. (See [[Peter–Weyl]] for the case of [[compact group]]s.)
In fact '''C'''[''G''] is a representation for ''G''&times;''G''. More specifically, if ''g''<sub>1</sub> and ''g''<sub>2</sub> are elements of ''G'' and ''h'' is an element of '''C'''[''G''] corresponding to the element ''h'' of ''G'',
:(''g''<sub>1</sub>,''g''<sub>2</sub>)[''h'']=''g''<sub>1</sub> ''h'' ''g''<sub>2</sub><sup>-1</sup>.
'''C'''[''G''] can also be considered as a representation of ''G'' in three different ways:
*Conjugation: ''g''[''h''] = ''g'' ''h'' ''g''<sup>−1</sup>
*As a left action: ''g''[''h''] = ''g'' ''h'' (a [[regular representation]])
*As a right action: ''g''[''h''] = ''h'' ''g''<sup>−1</sup> (also);
these are all to be 'found' inside the ''G''&times;''G'' action.
For many groups it is entirely natural to represent the group through matrices.
Consider for example the [[dihedral group]] ''D''<sub>4</sub> of symmetries of a square. This is generated by the two reflection matrices
:<math> m = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} </math>
:<math> n = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} </math>
Here ''m'' is a reflection that maps (''x'',''y'') to (&minus; ''x'',''y''), while ''n'' maps (''x'',''y'') to (''y'',''x''). Multiplying these matrices together creates a set of 8 matrices that form the group. As discussed above, we can either think of the representation in terms of the matrices, or in terms of the action on the two-dimensional vector space (''x'',''y'').
This representation is ''faithful'' - that is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the matrices and the elements of the group. It is also ''irreducible'', because there is no subspace of (''x'',''y'') that is invariant under the action of the group.
=== Discrete Fourier transform ===
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If ''G'' is a finite cyclic group, then its representation theory is called the [[discrete Fourier transform]]; this example is central to [[digital signal processing]].
All irreducible representations are 1-dimensional (characters), and correspond to sending a generator of ''G'' to a [[root of unity]], not necessarily primitive (the trivial representation sends a generator to 1, for instance).
A function on ''G'' is called the ''time domain'' representation of the function, while the corresponding expression in terms of characters is called the ''frequency domain'' representation of the function: changing from the time domain description to the frequency domain description is called the ''discrete Fourier transform,'' and the opposite direction is called the ''inverse discrete Fourier transform.''
The character table, which in this case is the matrix of the transform, is the
[[DFT matrix]], which is, up to normalization factor, the [[Vandermonde matrix]] for the ''n''th roots of unity; the order of rows and columns depends on a choice of generator and primitive root of unity.
The group of characters is isomorphic to ''G'' itself, but not naturally so, and is known as the [[dual group]], <math>\widehat{G},</math> in the language of [[Pontryagin duality]], and the original group ''G'' can be recovered as the double dual.
=== Abelian groups ===
More generally, any finite abelian group is a direct sum of finite cyclic groups (by the [[fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups]], though the decomposition is not unique in general), and thus the representation theory of finite abelian groups is completely described by that of finite cyclic groups, that is, by the discrete Fourier transform.
If an abelian group is expressed as a direct product, and the dual group likewise decomposed, and the elements of each sorted in [[lexicographic order]], then the character table of the product group is the [[Kronecker product]] (tensor product) of the character tables for the two component groups, which is just a statement that the value of a product homomorphism on a product group is the product of the values: <math>(\rho \times \sigma)(g,h) = \rho(g)\cdot \sigma(h).</math>
== Morphisms between representations ==
Given two representations ρ: ''G'' → GL(''n'','''C''') and τ: ''G'' → GL(''m'','''C''') a [[morphism]] between ρ and τ is a linear map ''T'' : '''C'''<sup>n</sup> → '''C'''<sup>m</sup> so that for all ''g'' in ''G'' we have the following commuting relation: ''T'' ° ρ(''g'') = τ(''g'') ° ''T''.
According to [[Schur's lemma]], a non-zero morphism between two irreducible complex representations is invertible, and moreover, is given in matrix form as a scalar multiple of the identity matrix.
This result holds as the complex numbers are [[algebraically closed]]. For a counterexample over the real numbers, consider the two dimensional irreducible real representation of the [[cyclic group]] ''C''<sub>4</sub> = 〈''x''〉 given by:
<math> \rho : x \mapsto \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}. </math>
Then the matrix <math> \left [ \begin{smallmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{smallmatrix} \right ] </math> defines an automorphism of ρ, which is clearly not a scalar multiple of the identity matrix.
==Subrepresentations and irreducible representations==
As noted earlier, a representation ρ defines an action on a vector
space '''C'''<sup>n</sup>. It may turn out that '''C'''<sup>n</sup> has an invariant subspace ''V'' ⊂ '''C'''<sup>n</sup>. The action of ''G'' is given by complex matrices and this in turn defines a new representation σ : ''G'' → GL(''V''). We call σ a subrepresentation of ρ. A representation without subrepresentations is called irreducible.
==Constructing new representations from preexisting ones ==
There are number of ways to combine representations to obtain new representations. Each of these methods involves the application of a construction from [[linear algebra]] to [[representation theory]].
*Given two representations ρ<sub>1</sub>, ρ<sub>2</sub> we may construct their direct sum ρ<sub>1</sub> ⊕ ρ<sub>2</sub> by (ρ<sub>1</sub> ⊕ ρ<sub>2</sub>) (''g'')(''v'',''w'') = (ρ<sub>1</sub>(''g'')''v'', ρ<sub>2</sub>(''g'')''w'').
*The tensor representation of ρ<sub>1</sub>, ρ<sub>2</sub> is defined by (ρ<sub>1</sub> ⊗ ρ<sub>2</sub>) (''v'' ⊗ ''w'') = ρ<sub>1</sub>(''v'') ⊗ ρ<sub>2</sub>(''w'').
*Let ρ : ''G'' → GL(''n'','''C''') be a representation.  Then ρ induces a representation ρ<sup>*</sup> on the [[dual]] of the vector space Hom('''C'''<sup>n</sup>,'''C'''). Let ''f'' : '''C'''<sup>n</sup> → '''C'''  be a linear functional. The representation ρ<sup>*</sup> is then defined by the rule ρ<sup>*</sup> (''g'') (''f'') = ''f''(ρ(''g'')<sup>−1</sup>). The representation ρ<sup>*</sup> is called either the [[dual representation]] or the [[contragredient representation]] of ρ.
*Furthermore, if a representation ρ has a subrepresentation σ then the quotient of the representing vector spaces for ρ and σ has a well defined action of ''G'' on it. We call the resulting representation the quotient representation of ρ by σ.
==Young tableau==
For the [[symmetric group]]s, a graphical method exists to determine their finite representations that associates with each representation a [[Young tableau]] (also known as a Young diagram). The direct product of two representations may easily be decomposed into a direct sum of irreducible representation by a set of rules for the "direct product" of two Young diagrams. Each diagram also  contains information about the dimension of the representation to which it corresponds. Young tableaux provide a far cleaner way of working with representations than the algebraic methods that underlie their use.
==Applying Schur's lemma==
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'''Lemma'''. If ''f'': ''A'' ⊗ ''B'' → ''C'' is a morphism of representations, then the corresponding linear transformation obtained by dualizing ''B'' is: ''f''′: ''A'' → ''C'' ⊗ ''B''<sup>*</sup> is also a morphism of representations. Similarly, if ''g'': ''A'' → ''B'' ⊗''C'' is a morphism of representations, dualizing it will give another morphism of representations ''g''′: ''A'' ⊗ ''C''<sup>*</sup> → ''B''.  
If ρ is an ''n''-dimensional irreducible representation of ''G'' with the underlying vector space ''V'', then we can define a ''G''×''G'' morphism of representations, for all ''g'' in ''G'' and ''x'' in ''V''
:''f'': '''C'''[''G''] ⊗ (1<sub>''G''</sub> ⊗ ''V'') → (V ⊗ 1<sub>''G''</sub>)
:''f'':(''g'' ⊗ ''x'') = ρ(''g'')[''x'']
where 1<sub>''G''</sub> is the trivial representation of ''G''. This defines a ''G''×''G'' morphism of representations.
Now we use the above lemma and obtain the ''G''×''G'' morphism of representations
:<math>f':\bar{V}\otimes V\rightarrow \overline{\mathbf{C}[G]}</math>.
The dual representation of '''C'''[''G''] as a ''G''×''G''-representation is equivalent to '''C'''[''G'']. An isomorphism is given if we define the contraction 〈''g'',''h''〉 = δ<sub>''gh''</sub>. So, we end up with a ''G''×''G''-morphism of representations
:<math>f'':\bar{V}\otimes V\rightarrow \mathbf{C}[G]</math>.
:<math>f''(x\otimes y)=\sum_{g\in G}\langle x,\rho(g)[y]\rangle g</math>
for all ''x'' in <math>\bar{V}</math> and ''y'' in ''V''.
By Schur's lemma, the [[image]] of ''f''″ is a ''G''×''G'' irreducible representation, which is therefore ''n''×''n'' dimensional, which also happens to be a subrepresentation of '''C'''[''G''] (''f''″ is nonzero).
This is ''n'' direct sum equivalent copies ''V''.  Note that if ρ<sub>1</sub> and ρ<sub>2</sub> are equivalent ''G''-irreducible representations, the respective images of the intertwining matrices would give rise to the ''same'' ''G''×''G''-irreducible representation of '''C'''[''G''].
Here, we use the fact that if ''f'' is a function over ''G'', then
:<math>\sum_{g\in G}f(g)hgk^{-1}=\sum_{g\in G}f(h^{-1}gk)g</math>
We convert '''C'''[''G''] into a [[Hilbert space]] by introducing the norm where 〈''g'',''h''〉 is 1 if ''g'' is ''h'' and zero otherwise.  This is different from the 'contraction' given a couple of paragraphs back, in that this form is [[sesquilinear]].  This makes '''C'''[''G''] a [[unitary representation]] of ''G''×''G''.  In particular, we now have the concepts of orthogonal complement and orthogonality of subrepresentations.
In particular, if '''C'''[''G''] contains two inequivalent irreducible ''G''×''G'' subrepresentations, then both subrepresentations are orthogonal to each other.  To see this, note that for every subspace of a Hilbert space, there exists a unique linear transformation from the Hilbert space to itself which maps points on the subspace to itself while mapping points on its orthogonal complement to zero. This is called the [[projection map]]. The projection map associated with the first irreducible representation is an intertwiner.  Restricted to the second irreducible representation, it gives an intertwiner from the second irreducible representation to the first.  Using Schur's lemma, this must be zero.
Now suppose ''A'' ⊗ ''B'' is a ''G''×''G''-irreducible representation of '''C'''[''G''].
'''Note.''' The complex irreducible representations of ''G''×''H'' are always a direct product of a complex irreducible representation of ''G'' and a complex irreducible representation of ''H''.  This is not the case for real irreducible representations.  As an example, there is a 2 dimensional real irreducible representation of the group ''C''<sub>3</sub> × ''C''<sub>3</sub> which transforms nontrivially under both copies of ''C''<sub>3</sub> but '''cannot''' be expressed as the direct product of two irreducible representations of ''C''<sub>3</sub>.
This representation is also a ''G''-representation (''n''<sub>''A''</sub> direct sum copies of ''B'' where ''n''<sub>''A''</sub> is the dimension of ''A''). If ''Y'' is an element of this representation (and hence also of '''C'''[''G'']) and ''X'' an element of its dual representation (which is a subrepresentation of the dual representation of '''C'''[''G'']), then
:<math>f''(X\otimes Y)=\sum_{g\in G}\langle X,\rho(g)[Y]\rangle g=\sum_{g\in G} \langle X,Yg^{-1}\rangle g</math>
<math>=\sum_{g\in G}\langle X,g^{-1}\rangle gY=\sum_{g\in G}\langle X,g^{-1}\rangle (g,e)[Y]</math>
where ''e'' is the identity of ''G''. Though the ''f''″ defined a couple of paragraphs back is only defined for ''G''-irreducible representations, and though ''A'' ⊗ ''B'' is not a ''G''-irreducible representation in general, we claim this argument could be made correct since ''A'' ⊗ ''B'' is simply the direct sum of copies of ''B''s, and we have shown that each copy all maps to the ''same'' ''G''×''G''-irreducible subrepresentation of '''C'''[''G''], we have just showed that <math>\bar{B}\otimes B</math> as an irreducible ''G''×''G''-subrepresentation of '''C'''[''G''] is contained in ''A'' ⊗ ''B'' as another irreducible ''G''×''G''-subrepresentation of '''C'''[''G''].  Using Schur's lemma again, this means both irreducible representations are the same.
Putting all of this together,
'''Theorem.''' '''C'''[''G''] ≅ <math> \sum_V \bar{V}\otimes_G V</math> where the sum is taken over the inequivalent ''G''-irreducible representations ''V''.  
'''Corollary'''. If there are p inequivalent ''G''-irreducible representations, ''V''<sub>i</sub>, each of dimension ''n''<sub>''i''</sub>, then |''G''| = ''n''<sub>1</sub><sup>2</sup> + ... + ''n''<sub>p</sub><sup>2</sup>.
==Character theory==
:''Main article:'' [[Character theory]]
There is a mapping from ''G'' to the complex numbers for each representation called the [[character theory|character]] given by the [[trace of a matrix|trace]] of the linear transformation upon the representation generated by the element of ''G'' in question
:<math>\chi_{\rho}(g) = \mathrm{Tr}(\rho(g))\,</math>
All elements of ''G'' belonging to the same [[conjugacy class]] have the same character: in other words χ<sub>ρ</sub> is a [[class function]] on ''G''. This follows from
:<math>\mathrm{Tr} (\rho (ghg^{-1}))=\mathrm{Tr} (\rho(g)\rho(h)\rho(g)^{-1})=\mathrm{Tr}(\rho(h))</math>
by the cyclic property of the trace of a matrix.
What are the characters of '''C'''[''G'']? Using the property that gh<sup>−1</sup> is only the same as ''g'' if ''h'' = ''e'', χ<sub>'''C'''[''G'']</sub>(g) is |G| if g=e and 0 otherwise.
The character of a direct sum of representations is simply the sum of their individual characters.
Putting all of this together,
:<math>\sum_{i=1}^p n_i \chi_{V_i}(g)=|G|\delta_{ge}</math>
with the [[Kronecker delta]] on the right hand side.
Repeat this, working with characters of ''G''&times;''G'' instead of characters, of ''G'' which I'll call Δ. Then, Δ<sub>'''C'''[''G'']</sub>(''g'',''h'') is the number of elements ''k'' in ''G'' satisfying ''g'' ''k'' ''h''<sup>−1</sup> = ''k''. This is equal to
:<math>\sum_{i=1}^p \chi_{\bar{V}_i}(g)\chi_{V_i}(h)=\sum_{i=1}^p \chi_{V_i}(g^{-1})\chi_{V_i}(h)=\sum_{i=1}^p \chi_{V_i}(g)^*\chi_{V_i}(h)</math>
where * denotes complex conjugation. After all, '''C'''[''G''] is a unitary representation and any subrepresentation of a finite unitary representation is another unitary representation; and all irreducible representations are (equivalent to) a subrepresentation of '''C'''[''G''].
:<math>\sum_{h \in G}\Delta_{C[G]}((g,hkh^{-1}))</math>.
This is |''G''| times the number of elements which commute with ''g''; which is |''G''|<sup>2</sup> divided by the size of the conjugacy class of ''g'', if ''g'' and k belong to the same conjugacy class, but zero otherwise. Therefore, for each conjugacy class ''C''<sub>''i''</sub> of size ''m''<sub>''i''</sub>, the characters are the same for each element of the conjugacy class and so we can just call χ<sub>ρ</sub>(''C''<sub>''i''</sub>) by an [[abuse of notation]]). Then,
Note that
:<math>\sum_{g\in G}\rho(g)</math>
is a self-intertwiner (or ''invariant''). This linear transformation, when applied to '''C'''[''G''] (as a representation of the ''second'' copy of ''G''&times;''G''), would give as its image the 1-dimensional subrepresentation generated by
:<math>\sum_{g\in G}g</math>;
which is obviously the [[trivial representation]].  
Since we know '''C'''[''G''] contains all irreducible representations up to equivalence and using Schur's lemma, we conclude that
:<math>\sum_{g\in G}\rho(g)</math>
for irreducible representations is zero if it's not the trivial irreducible representation; and it's of course |''G''|'''1''' if the irreducible representation is trivial.
Given two irreducible representations ''V''<sub>''i''</sub> and ''V''<sub>''j''</sub>, we can construct a ''G''-representation
:<math>\bar{V}_i\otimes V_j</math>,
this time ''not'' as a ''G''&times;''G'' representation but an ordinary ''G''-representation. See [[direct product]] of representations. Then,
:<math>\chi_{\bar{V}_i\otimes V_j}(g)=\chi_{\bar{V}_i}(g)\chi_{V_j}(g)=\chi_{V_i}(g)^*\chi_{V_k}(g)</math>.
It can be shown that any irreducible representation can be turned into a unitary irreducible representation. So, the direct product of two irreducible representations can also be turned into a unitary representations and now, we have the neat orthogonality property allowing us to decompose the direct product into a direct sum of irreducible representations (we're also using the property that for finite dimensional representations, if you keep taking proper subrepresentations, you'll hit an irreducible representation eventually. There's no infinite strictly decreasing sequence of positive integers). See [[Maschke's theorem]].
If ''i''≠''j'', then this decomposition does not contain the trivial representation (Otherwise, we'd have a nonzero intertwiner from ''V''<sub>j</sub> to ''V''<sub>i</sub> contradicting Schur's lemma). If ''i''=''j'', then it contains exactly one copy of the trivial representation (Schur's lemma states that if ''A'' and ''B'' are two intertwiners from ''V''<sub>i</sub> to itself, since they're both multiples of the identity, ''A'' and ''B'' are linearly dependent). Therefore,
:<math>\sum_{g\in G}\chi_{V_i}(g)^*\chi_{V_j}(g)=\sum_{k}|C_k|\chi_{V_i}(C_k)^*\chi_{V_j}(C_k)=|G|\delta_{ij}.</math>
Applying a result of linear algebra to both orthogonality relations (|''C''<sub>''i''</sub>| is always positive), we find that the number of conjugacy classes is greater than or equal to the number of inequivalent irreducible representations; and also at the same time less than or equal to. The conclusion, then, is that the number of conjugacy classes of ''G'' is the same as the number of inequivalent irreducible representations of ''G''.
<blockquote>'''Corollary'''. If two representations have the same characters, then they are equivalent.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''Proof'''. Characters can be thought of as elements of a q-dimensional vector space where q is the number of conjugacy classes. Using the orthogonality relations derived above, we find that the q characters for the q inequivalent irreducible representations forms a basis set. Also, according to Maschke's theorem, both representations can be expressed as the direct sum of irreducible representations. Since the character of the direct sum of representations is the sum of their characters, from linear algebra, we see they are equivalent.</blockquote>
We know that any irreducible representation can be turned into a unitary representation. It turns out the Hilbert space norm is unique up to multiplication by a positive number. To see this, note that the conjugate representation of the irreducible representation is equivalent to the dual irreducible representation with the Hilbert space norm acting as the intertwiner. Using Schur's lemma, all possible Hilbert space norms can only be a multiple of each other.
Let ρ be an irreducible representation of a finite group ''G'' on a vector space ''V'' of (finite) dimension ''n'' with character χ. It is a fact that χ(''g'') = ''n'' if and only if ρ(''g'') = id (see for instance Exercise 6.7 from Serre's book below). A consequence of this is that if χ is a ''non-trivial'' irreducible character of ''G'' such that χ(''g'') = χ(1) for some ''g''≠1 then ''G'' contains a proper non-trivial [[normal subgroup]] (the normal subgroup is the [[Kernel (algebra)|kernel]] of ρ). Conversely, if ''G'' contains a proper non-trivial [[normal subgroup]] ''N'', then the composition of the natural [[surjective]] [[group homomorphism]] ''G'' → ''G''/''N'' with the [[regular representation]] of ''G''/''N'' produces a representation π of ''G'' which has [[Kernel (algebra)|kernel]] ''N''. Taking χ to be the character of some ''non-trivial'' subrepresentation of π, we have a character satisfying the hypothesis in the direct statement above. Altogether, whether or not ''G'' is [[simple group|simple]] can be determined immediately by looking at the [[character table]] of ''G''.
The general features of the [[group representation|representation theory]] of a [[finite group]] ''G'', over the [[complex number]]s, were discovered by [[Ferdinand Georg Frobenius]] in the years before 1900. Later the [[modular representation theory]] of [[Richard Brauer]] was developed.
{{Expand section|date=December 2009}}
The [[Peter–Weyl theorem]] extends many results about representations of finite groups to representations of compact groups.
==See also==
*[[Character theory]]
*[[Real representation]]
*[[Representation theory of the symmetric group]]
*[[Schur orthogonality relations]]
*[[Deligne–Lusztig theory]]
*:The standard graduate level reference for representations of groups in general, particularly [[Lie groups]].
*{{cite book | author=James, Gordon; and Liebeck, Martin | title=Representations and Characters of Finite Groups | location=Cambridge | publisher=Cambridge University Press | year=1993 | isbn=0-521-44590-6}}
*:A beautiful and readable introduction; designed for self study.
*{{cite book | author=Serre, Jean-Pierre | title=Linear Representations of Finite Groups | publisher=Springer-Verlag | year=1977 | isbn=0-387-90190-6}}
*:A very well-written introduction to stated topic: concise ''and'' extremely readable.
==External links==
* {{PlanetMath|urlname=Character2|title=character of a finite group}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Representation Theory Of Finite Groups}}
[[Category:Representation theory of finite groups| ]]

Revision as of 19:10, 26 February 2014

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