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{{New Testament manuscript infobox
I am Glen and was born on 8 February 1976. My hobbies are Games Club - Dungeons and Dragons, Monopoly, Etc. and Rock climbing.<br>xunjie ストリートクール感のある黒のロングコートを着て黒いドレス。
| form  = Minuscule
| number = '''181'''
撮影は髪が薄いだけハンサムな顔を明らかに、 [ UGG �֩`�� ���`���ȥ�ꥢ] レンダリングを記録したいことは例外ではありません、
| image  =
| isize  =
向上させるため採用靴の神話を作成するための純粋な夢オフの販売網、 [ ����ͥ� ؔ��] 第四四半期の発注を発表しました増加の年率には、
| caption=
| name  = Cod. Francisci Xavier
ジャンポール·ゴルチエの日はほとんどのブランドの話になる。[ ����᥹ ؔ��] 銀スプレー保護に関する特別最高の保護への銀貨、
| sign  =
| text  = [[New Testament]] (except Gospels)
| script = [[Greek language|Greek]]
彼らが慎重にビルマの投資プロジェクトの開発を助長しているかを評価し、 [ �ߥ�<br><br>�奦 ؔ��]
| date  = 11th century
| found  =
| now at = [[Vatican Library]]
| cite  =
| size  = {{×|25|19.1}}
| type  = mixed/[[Western text-type|Western]]/[[Byzantine text-type|Byzantine]]
| cat    = III/V
| hand  =
| note  = [[marginalia]]

'''Minuscule 181''' (in the [[Biblical manuscript#Gregory-Aland|Gregory-Aland]] numbering), α 101 ([[Biblical manuscript#Von Soden|Soden]]),<ref name = Gregory1908>{{cite book|last=Gregory|first=Caspar René|authorlink=Caspar René Gregory|title=Die griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testament|url=|year=1908|publisher=J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung|location=Leipzig|page=54}}</ref> is a [[Greek language|Greek]] [[Lower case|minuscule]] [[manuscript]] of the [[New Testament]], on parchment. [[Palaeography|Palaeographically]] it has been assigned to the 11th century.<ref name = Aland>K. Aland, M. Welte, B. Köster, K. Junack, "Kurzgefasste Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neues Testaments", ''[[Walter de Gruyter]]'', Berlin, New York 1994, p. 57. </ref>
my weblog; [ ジミーチュウ 靴 レディース]
Formerly it was labelled by 40<sup>a</sup>, 46<sup>p</sup>, and 12<sup>r</sup>.<ref name = Gregory>{{Cite book
| last = Gregory
| first = Caspar René
| authorlink = Caspar René Gregory
| title = Textkritik des Neuen Testaments
| publisher = J.C. Hinrichs
| year = 1900
| location = Leipzig
| volume = 1
| page = 267
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref>
It has [[marginalia]].
== Description ==
The codex contains the text of the [[Acts of the Apostles]], [[Catholic epistles]], [[Pauline epistles]] and [[Book of Revelation]] with only one [[Lacuna (manuscripts)|lacunae]] (Titus 3:3 – Philemon), on 169 elegant parchment leaves (size {{×|25|19.1}}).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = Gregory/> The text is written in one column per page, in 26-32 lines per page.<ref name = Aland/>
The text is divided according to the {{lang|grc|κεφαλαια}} (''chapters''), whose numbers are given at the margin, and their {{lang|grc|τιτλοι}} (''titles of chapters'') at the top of the pages.<ref name = Gregory/>
It contains Prolegomena, lectionary markings at the margin (for liturgical reading), subscriptions at the end of each book, with numbers of {{lang|grc|στιχοι}}, [[Menologion]], and the [[Euthalian Apparatus]].<ref name = Scrivener>{{Cite book
| last      = Scrivener
| first      = Frederick Henry Ambrose
| authorlink = Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener
| coauthors  = Edward Miller
| title      = [[A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament]]
| publisher  = [[George Bell & Sons]]
| year      = 1894
| location  = London
| edition    = 4
| page      = 287
| volume    = 1
| url        =
| doi        =
| id        =
| isbn      = }} </ref> Book of Apocalypse was added in the 15th century.<ref name = Gregory/>
== Text ==
The Greek text of the codex is a mixture of text-types in Acts and Catholic epistles.<ref name = Black> [[David Alan Black]], ''New Testament Textual Criticism'' (Baker Books, 2006), p. 65. </ref> The Text of the Pauline epistles is a representative of the [[Western text-type]].<ref name = Black/> The text of the Apocalypse is a representative of the [[Byzantine text-type|Byzantine]]. [[Kurt Aland|Aland]] placed it in [[Categories of New Testament manuscripts#Category V|Category V]]. The text of the rest of book Aland placed in [[Categories of New Testament manuscripts#Category III|Category III]].<ref>{{Cite book
| last = Aland
| first = Kurt
| authorlink = Kurt Aland
| coauthors = [[Barbara Aland]]; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.)
| title = The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism
| publisher = [[William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company]]
| year = 1995
| location = Grand Rapids
| pages = 129, 132
| url =
| isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1}}</ref>
In Acts 7:18 it reads Εγυπτον for Αιγυπτον.<ref>UBS3, p. 441. </ref>
In Acts 12:25 it reads απο Ιερουσαλημ (''from Jerusalem'') along with [[Codex Bezae|D]], [[Codex Athous Lavrensis|Ψ]], [[Minuscule 436|436]], [[Minuscule 614|614]], [[Minuscule 2412|2412]], [[Lectionary 147|'''ℓ''' ''147'']], [[Lectionary 809|'''ℓ''' ''809'']], '''ℓ''' ''1021'', [[Lectionary 1141|'''ℓ''' ''1141'']], [[Lectionary 1364|'''ℓ''' ''1364'']], [[Lectionary 1439|'''ℓ''' ''1439'']], [[Codex Ardmachanus|ar]], d, [[Codex Gigas|gig]], vg, [[John Chrysostom|Chrysostom]]; majority reads εις Ιερουσαλημ (''to Jerusalem'');<ref>UBS3, p. 464. </ref>
In Acts 16:10 it reads θεος along with [[Papyrus 74|P<sup>74</sup>]], Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Ephraemi, [[Codex Laudianus|E]], 044, [[Minuscule 33|33]], [[Minuscule 81|81]], [[Minuscule 326|326]], [[Minuscule 630|630]], 945, 1739, ar, e, l, vg, cop<sup>bo</sup>, geo; other reading κυριος, is supported by D, P, [[Uncial 049|049]], [[Uncial 056|056]], [[Uncial 0142|0142]], [[Minuscule 88|88]], [[Minuscule 104|104]], [[Minuscule 330|330]], [[Minuscule 436|436]], [[Minuscule 451|451]], [[Minuscule 614|614]], [[Minuscule 629|629]], 1241, 1505, 1877, 2127, 2412, 2492, 2495, Byz, c, d, gig, syr<sup>p,h</sup>, cop<sup>sa</sup>.<ref>NA26, p. 480</ref>
In Acts 18:26 it reads την οδον του θεου along with P<sup>74</sup>, א, A, B, 33, 88, 326, 436, 614, 2412, [[Lectionary 60|'''ℓ''' ''60'']], '''ℓ''' ''1356''.<ref>UBS3, p. 499.</ref>
In Romans 8:1 it reads Ιησου κατα σαρκα περιπατουσιν αλλα κατα πνευμα, for Ιησου. The reading of the manuscript is supported by א<sup>c</sup>, [[Codex Claromontanus|D<sup>c</sup>]], [[Codex Mosquensis I|K]], [[Codex Porphyrianus|P]], [[Minuscule 33|33]], [[Minuscule 88|88]], [[Minuscule 104|104]], [[Minuscule 326|326]], [[Minuscule 330|330]], ([[Minuscule 436|436]] omit μη), [[Minuscule 456|456]], [[Minuscule 614|614]], [[Minuscule 630|630]], [[Minuscule 1241|1241]], 1877, 1962, [[Minuscule 1984|1984]], [[Minuscule 1985|1985]], 2492, 2495, Byz, Lect.<ref>UBS3, p. 548. </ref>
The text of Romans 16:25-27 is following 14:23, as in [[Codex Angelicus]] [[Codex Athous Lavrensis]], [[Uncial 0209]] [[Minuscule 326|326]] [[Minuscule 330|330]] [[Minuscule 451|451]] [[Minuscule 460|460]] [[Minuscule 614|614]] 1241 1877 1881 1984 1985 2492 2495.<ref>UBS3, pp. 576-577. </ref>
In 1 Corinthians 2:1 it reads μαρτυριον along with B D G P Ψ 33 81 104 326 330 451 614 629 630 1241 1739 1877 1881 1962 1984 2127 2492 2495 Byz Lect it vg syr<sup>h</sup> cop<sup>sa</sup> arm eth. Other manuscripts read μυστηριον or σωτηριον.<ref>UBS3, p. 581. </ref>
In 1 Corinthians 7:5 it reads τη προσευχη (''prayer'') along with [[Papyrus 11|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>11</sup>]], [[Papyrus 46|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>46</sup>]], א*, A, [[Codex Vaticanus|B]], C, D, F, G, P, Ψ, [[Minuscule 6|6]], 33, [[Minuscule 81|81]], 104, [[Minuscule 629|629]], 630, 1739, 1877, 1881, 1962, it vg, cop, arm, eth. Other manuscripts read τη νηστεια και τη προσευχη (''fasting and prayer'') or τη προσευχη και νηστεια (''prayer and fasting'').<ref>NA26, p. 450. </ref><ref>UBS3, p. 591. </ref>
In [[First Epistle to Timothy|1 Timothy]] 3:16 it has textual variant {{lang|grc|θεός ἐφανερώθη}} (''God manifested'') (Sinaiticus<sup>e</sup>, A<sup>2</sup>, C<sup>2</sup>, D<sup>c</sup>, [[Codex Mosquensis I|K]], [[Codex Angelicus|L]], P, Ψ, [[Minuscule 81|81]], [[Minuscule 104|104]], [[Minuscule 326|326]], [[Minuscule 330|330]], [[Minuscule 436|436]], [[Minuscule 451|451]], [[Minuscule 614|614]], [[Minuscule 629|629]], [[Minuscule 630|630]], 1241, [[Minuscule 1739|1739]], 1877, 1881, 1962, 1984, 1985, 2492, 2495, Byz, Lect), against ὃς ἐφανερώθη (''he was manifested'') supported by Sinaiticus, [[Codex Alexandrinus]], [[Codex Ephraemi|Ephraemi]], [[Codex Boernerianus|Boernerianus]], 33, [[Minuscule 365|365]], [[Minuscule 442|442]], 2127, [[Lectionary 599|'''ℓ''' ''599'']].<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], ''A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament'' ([[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]: Stuttgart 2001), pp. 573-573. </ref><ref>[ 1 Timothy 3:16 in Codex Alexandrinus] at the Bible Research</ref>
In [[Second Epistle to Timothy|2 Timothy]] 4:19 it has additional reading Λεκτραν την γυναικα αυτου και Σιμαιαν και Ζηνωνα τους υιους αυτου, this reading occurs in several other manuscripts and in [[Acts of Paul and Thecla|''Acta Pauli and Tecla'']].<ref>NA26, p. 556. </ref>
== History ==
It is dated by the [[INTF]] to the 11th century.{{r|Aland}}
The manuscript was given by [[Christina of Sweden]] to Cardinal Dezio Azzolino, and bought from him by [[Pope Alexander VIII|Alexander VIII]] (1689-1691) — like codices [[Minuscule 154|154]], [[Minuscule 155|155]], [[Minuscule 156|156]].<ref name = Gregory/><ref name = Scrivener/> The text of the manuscript was examined by [[Angelo Maria Bandini|Bandini]], [[Andrew Birch|Birch]] (about 1782), [[Johann Martin Augustin Scholz|Scholz]], and [[Dean Burgon|Burgon]]. [[C. R. Gregory]] saw it in 1886.<ref name = Gregory/>
Formerly it was labelled by 40<sup>a</sup>, 46<sup>p</sup>, and 12<sup>r</sup>. [[Caspar René Gregory|Gregory]] in 1908 gave it the number 181.<ref name = Gregory1908/>
It is currently housed at the [[Vatican Library]] (Reg. gr. 179), at [[Rome]].<ref name = Aland/>
== See also ==
* [[List of New Testament minuscules]]
* [[Biblical manuscript]]
* [[Textual criticism]]
== References ==
== Further reading ==
* [[Herman C. Hoskier]], ''Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse'' 1 (London, 1929), pp. 17-24
== External links ==
* [ Minuscule 181] at the ''Encyclopedia of Textual Criticism''
{{DEFAULTSORT:Minuscule 0181}}
[[Category:Greek New Testament minuscules]]
[[Category:11th-century biblical manuscripts]]
[[Category:Manuscripts of the Vatican Library]]

Latest revision as of 15:30, 30 October 2014

I am Glen and was born on 8 February 1976. My hobbies are Games Club - Dungeons and Dragons, Monopoly, Etc. and Rock climbing.
xunjie ストリートクール感のある黒のロングコートを着て黒いドレス。 Yiyiのファッションセンスに多くを追加します!妊娠ユニークなファッションテイスト①ベンを作成するために韓国の味妊娠妊娠中のフード付きのジャケットのユニークなファッショントレンドを作成するために韓国の味妊娠妊娠中のフード付きコートの色の独特のファッショントレンドを作成するために色の色のフード付きのジャケット妊娠中の女性の韓国語バージョン原稿がより多くの情報の普及のために、 撮影は髪が薄いだけハンサムな顔を明らかに、 [ UGG �֩`�� ���`���ȥ�ꥢ] レンダリングを記録したいことは例外ではありません、 ほぼ以上のフランチャイズディーラー。 向上させるため採用靴の神話を作成するための純粋な夢オフの販売網、 [ ����ͥ� ؔ��] 第四四半期の発注を発表しました増加の年率には、 非常に明るいハイライト、 ジャンポール·ゴルチエの日はほとんどのブランドの話になる。[ ����᥹ ؔ��] 銀スプレー保護に関する特別最高の保護への銀貨、 唯一のショーが終わった後、 占ハオ清/リシン漢口はすぐに午前6時02分有利なスタートへのすべての道をリードした後、 彼らが慎重にビルマの投資プロジェクトの開発を助長しているかを評価し、 [ �ߥ�

�奦 ؔ��]

my weblog; ジミーチュウ 靴 レディース