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In classical mechanics, the precession of a top under the influence of gravity is not in general, an integrable problem. There are however three famous cases that are integrable, the Euler, the Lagrange and the Kovalevskaya top.[1] In addition to the energy, each of these tops involves three additional constants of motion that give rise to the integrability.

The Euler top describes a free top without any particular symmetry, moving in the absence of any external torque. The Lagrange top is a symmetric top, in which the center of gravity lies on the symmetry axis. The Kovalevskaya top[2][3] is special symmetric top with a unique ratio of the moments of inertia satisfy the relation


and in which the center of gravity is located in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis.

Hamiltonian Formulation of Classical tops

A classical top[4] is defined by three principal axes, defined by the three orthogonal vectors e^1, e^2 and e^3 with corresponding moments of inertia I1, I2 and I3. In a Hamiltonian formulation of classical tops, the conjugate dynamical variables are the components of the angular momentum vector L along the principal axes


and the z-components of the three principal axes,


The Poisson algebra of these variables is given by


If the position of the center of mass is given by Rcm=(ae^1+be^2+ce^3), then the Hamiltonian of a top is given by


The equations of motion are then determined by


Euler Top

The Euler top is an untorqued top, with Hamiltonian


The four constants of motion are the energy HE and the three components of angular momentum in the lab frame,


Lagrange Top

The Lagrange top is a symmetric top with the center of mass along the symmetry axis at location, Rcm=he^3, with Hamiltonian


The four constants of motion are the energy HL, the angular momentum component along the symmetry axis, l3, the angular momentum in the z-direction


and the magnitude of the n-vector


Kovalevskaya Top

The Kovalevskaya top [2][3] is a symmetric top in which I1=I2=2I3=I and the center of mass lies in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis Rcm=he^1. The Hamiltonian is


The four constants of motion are the energy HK, the Kovalevskaya invariant


where the variables ξ± are defined by


the angular momentum component in the z-direction,


and the magnitude of the n-vector



43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

  1. Audin, M. Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  2. 2.0 2.1 S. Kovalevskaya, Acta Math. 12 177–232 (1889)
  3. 3.0 3.1 A. M. Perelemov, Teoret. Mat. Fiz., Volume 131, Number 2, Pages 197–205 (2002)
  4. Herbert Goldstein Charles P. Poole , John L. Safko, Classical Mechanics, (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley (2002)