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The levels of player involvement has led to changes in the selection process for the Games. Each nation is no longer guaranteed an athlete in each sport - now athletes and nations have to compete against not just their countrymen, but against others inside their region or continent for an Olympic slot.

In the 2004 Olympic Games all the men"s activities (epee, foil, and sabe...

The Olympics are in Beijing in 2008, how are the groups selected for the fencing competition?

The required levels of athlete participation has generated changes in the selection process for the Games. This cogent fundable staples website has specific staggering cautions for the purpose of this viewpoint. Each region is no more assured an athlete in each activity - today nations and players have to compete against not merely their countrymen, but against others inside their region or place for an Olympic position.

In the 2004 Olympic Games all of the men"s events (epee, foil, and saber) were involved, but two of the three women"s events didn"t contain the team competition.

The international fencing federation (FIE) rotates the events which will sit out the staff part of the Olympics, and for the 2008 Olympic Fencing competition, Men"s Foil and Women"s Epee will only keep an individual match.

Who gets to go?

Athletes are competing for slots based on their nation"s position in the world (for group events) and based on individual world rankings (for the individual events.) Here"s a break down of what it will just take for a future swordsman (or swordswoman) to get a ticket to Beijing:

Guns with Group Events (Men"s Epee, Men"s Sabre, Women"s Foil, Women"s Sabre ):

Group Events are made up of teams of 3 fencers with 1 alternative. An overall total of 8 groups can compete in each team function (9 if China does not qualify a team right).

The top 4 groups in the world rankings can qualify right to the Olympics. The remaining 4 teams are selected based on local diploma. The top team from each area (Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa) that"s maybe not already qualified can generate a local berth.

The individual function is just a competition with a field of 39 fencers. For the individual competition, the 2-4 fencers that played in the group function qualify. The top 3 in the World standings qualify, with only one fencer from any one nation, after the first 24 fencers are plumped for. The following 7 are pulled from the locations while the top 2 from Europe, 2 from Asia, 2 from the Americas, and 1 from Africa, again with only 1 fencer from a country. The remaining 5 slots are based on a continental qualifying opposition with 2 from Europe and 1 from each one of the remaining parts.

What about Men"s Foil and Women"s Epee?

An alternative set of conditions can be used to choose the 2-4 fencers who"ll participate within the Men"s Foil and Women"s Epee events. Every individual must qualify on their own benefit and not on the rating of their national team, while there is no team event. The next formula is used to pick the 2-4 specific entries:

The top 8 in-the World rankings obtain tickets punched (but only 2 can get from the sam-e place from this set.) Following the first 8 are selected, the next 8 in are selected by region according to adjusted world rankings. (There are 3 slots for Europe, 2 for Asia, 2 for the Americas, and 1 for Africa.) The final 8 qualify based on continental tournaments where countries that have maybe not qualified any fencers on the first 2 units. In the last round, the allocation of slots stays at 2 Asia, 3 Europe and Americas, and 1 for Africa.

Outlook for america

Will the US earn a medal in 2008?

The United States received Bronze and Gold medals in Women"s sabre in 2004. Needs contains more concerning the meaning behind it. Mariel Zagunis and Sada Jacobson are still at the top of the world ranks and are joined by young fencing phenom Becca Ward, who last year won the personal world tournament name at the Cadet, Junior, and Senior levels of competition. The UNITED STATES is desired to honor in Women"s Sabre.

In the other weapons, the greatest hopes are with Men"s Sabre as the individual team members are posting accomplishment for the year..

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