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While everyone has heard of hypnosis, most peoples ideas of what it's all about come from seeing stage or street hypnotists, seeing it on TV or in films, or perhaps reading about it in fiction books.

This leads to a lot of myths and misconceptions about hypnosis that can lead to people being nervous, or even afraid, of seeing a hypnotherapist for help. That's why I've compiled this list of the top 10 myths about hypnosis and hypnotherapy

1. Hypnosis is magic.
Hypnosis is not magic. It is not connected in any way to the occult or the paranormal. In fact hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that you have probably experienced many times, without even being aware of it.
2. Hypnosis is going to sleep.
The truth is that, while you are in a trance, you will still know what's going on around you, just as when you are normally awake. If you are not aware of what's going uggs on sale, at least at the subconscious level then you will be uggs on sale unlikely to get much benefit from the session.

3. I will forget what happened to me while I was in a trance. Typically you will have complete recall of everything that transpires while you are in a trance, unless of course you make a choice not to remember something. For example, if you regressed and experienced a painful or traumatic event from your past that you don't yet feel ready to deal with you may choose not to remember it until you are ready to deal with it.

4. I will not be in control when I am hypnotised.
You will always be in control. Hypnosis requires your total cooperation. If I, as a hypnotherapist, do anything, or suggest that you do anything, that you don't agree with, you will simply reject it, and maybe come out of the hypnotic state.
5. I could be force to give away secrets when I am in a trance.

Hypnosis is not a truth serum. You will only cheap ugg boots say what you want to say, you are in control the whole time.
6. I may get 'stuck' in a trance.
Anytime you want to come out of the trance you will be able to. While it's true that occasionally people don't want to come out of trance, it's only because they are enjoying the sensation so much and don;t want it to end. There are various ways to make sure that you come out of trance easily and safely.

In fact, even if I did nothing to 'wake you up' you would come out on your own when you were ready, or when something happened that you needed to deal with.
7. I may be given Post Hypnotic Suggestions to do things I don't want to do. Post Hypnotic Suggestions are used in Hypnotherapy, often to directly address the problem being worked on, or to make going into a hypnotic state in ugg outlet later sessions much quicker and easier.

As with any suggestions you will only accept those suggestions that you agree to and that are for your higher good. Any suggestions that you do not agree with will simply be rejected.
8. Very intelligent people can't be hypnotised.
Actually the reverse is normally true. Intelligent people normally find it easier to achieve a hypnotic state.

9. Strong willed people can't be hypnotised.
This one is only true if the person doesn't want to be hypnotised, in which case it doesn't really matter whether you are strong willed or not. If you don't want to be hypnotised then you won't be.
10. I've never experienced a hypnotic state before.
I hear this one a lot. Some people ugg outlet are totally convinced they have never been in a trance, when the truth is they will experience one regularly.

If you drive a car then you may remember a time when you have driven a familiar journey and when it's almost over you suddenly realise that you have no real recollection of the journey up to that point. Or maybe you have discount ugg boots become so engrossed in a film, or book, that the rest of the world seems to fade away.

These are all examples of a naturally occurring light hypnotic state.