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In any [[quantitative science]], the terms '''relative change''' and '''relative difference''' are used to compare two [[quantities]] while taking into account the "sizes" of the things being compared. The comparison is expressed as a [[ratio]] and is a [[unitless]] [[number]]. By multiplying these ratios by 100 they can be expressed as [[percentage]]s so the terms '''percentage change''', '''percent(age) difference''', or '''relative percentage difference''' are also commonly used. The distinction between "change" and "difference" depends on whether or not one of the quantities being compared is considered a ''standard'' or ''reference'' or ''starting'' value. When this occurs, the term ''relative change'' (with respect to the reference value) is used and otherwise the term ''relative difference'' is preferred. Relative difference is often used as a quantitative indicator of [[quality assurance]] and [[quality control]] for repeated measurements where the outcomes are expected to be the same. A special case of percent change (relative change expressed as a percentage) called [[percent error]] occurs in measuring situations where the reference value is the accepted or actual value (perhaps theoretically determined) and the value being compared to it is experimentally determined (by measurement).

Zdurenie lymfatických glandsThe kognitívne problémy spojené s ME / CFS sú niekedy závažné. A váhy tiež neviem, či tam boli veľké dôvody svojho života, aby ste použili jedlo veľmi vhodným pre pohodlie alebo oslavu .. Niekoľko učencov, ktorí študovali využitie pi'stis v oboch raných gréckych rukopisov a Nový zákon k záveru, že "vernosť" je najuspokojivejšiu anglický preklad v mnohých prípadoch. [7] [8] Tento nedávny výskum viedla niektorí tvrdia, že nový zákon viera a viera v Ježiša je treba chápať z hľadiska vernosti, [http://www.arabella-beauty.cz/images/footer.html Hollister Outlet] lojality, ., a záväzok k nemu a jeho učenie, skôr ako z hľadiska viery, dôvery a spoliehania [9] Takéto chápanie viery môžu byť integrované dobre s morálnou vplyv teórie zmierenia:. "Viera (pi'stis) je zabezpečenie vecí, dúfali, presvedčenie, čo nevidíme. " Táto pasáž o funkciu viery vo vzťahu k Božej zmluvy je často používaný ako definícia viery.<br><br>4. Však, že teória je ďaleko od roka, rok z praxe Kongresu. To nie je vôbec dôležité, či ste prihlásenie na hypotéku, úver, kreditné karty alebo obchode kartu. Napríklad, pokiaľ ide rovno dole na ceste alebo na HWY, SP Sport 9000 pneumatiky DSST sú tak dobrí v maskovanie tradičnej stratu vzduchu príznakov, ktoré sprevádzajú defekt pneumatiky, ktoré vyžadujú systém monitorovania tlaku v pneumatikách upozorniť vodiča, [http://www.arabella-beauty.cz/images/footer.html Hollister Tepláky] že <br><br>Z tejto zmesi je tiež je pre mňa veľmi ťažké vysvetliť svoje pracovné špecifiká, predovšetkým svojim rodičom a starým rodičom: D. Bohužiaľ, aktívne počúvanie je zručnosť, že nie každý vie, a je bežné, že ľudia si myslia, že počúva, zatiaľ čo v ich hlavách, že skutočne formulovanie ich ďalší reakciu, myslel na seba, ako zle iná osoba je, alebo robiť iné ako snažiť sa veci <br><br>Napriek tomu cumlík pochádza z latinského slova, ktoré znamená "dať silu." Ak oteckov sa bude modely sily, ale tiež musí byť modely upokojujúce. A niektoré z týchto zodpovedajúcich cloudových jazdci sú všade, .. K dispozícii je tiež kapitola o špeciálnych diétnych úvahy, jeden by mal trpia potravinovými alergiami alebo dodržiavať prísnu diétu, ako je vegánstvo, alebo lepok free.Part [http://www.ubytovanietale.sk/wp-includes/images/smilies/text.php Abercrombie And Fitch] V je sekcia recept, a kniha <br><br>Má povesť živý a moc diva sám. A to fúkané cez Gunks, ako je požiar do kopca. Paul odporúča do celého sveta, a to najmä v jeho liste k Rimanom: To je viera, ktorá umožňuje každému, kto ju kričať, "bývam nie, ale Kristus žije [http://www.ududaka.cz/upload/frame.asp Michael Kors Peněženka] vo mne, a život, ktorý teraz žijem v tele, žijem vo viera v Syna Božieho, ktorý si ma zamiloval a vydal seba samého za mňa.<br><br>Ale koniec tejto dlhej tradície je v nedohľadne pre mestečku 25 míľ južne od St Ale Sorrell povedal, bulk predaj bol pozitívny signál pre trh. Urobil som dobre v posledných troch týždňoch, ale nie natoľko, aby vidieť žiadne významné zmeny tela .. Keď Einstein zomrel v roku 1955, tam bol otvor pre titul "najskvelejších fyzikov na svete."<ul>
Given two numerical quantities, ''x'' and ''y'', their ''difference'', Δ = ''x'' - ''y'', can be called their ''actual difference''. When ''y'' is a ''reference value'' (a theoretical/actual/correct/accepted/optimal/starting, etc. value; the value that ''x'' is being compared to) then Δ is called their ''actual change''. When there is no reference value, the sign of Δ has little meaning in the comparison of the two values since it doesn't matter which of the two values is written first, so one often works with |Δ| = |''x'' - ''y''|, the [[absolute difference]] instead of Δ, in these situations. Even when there is a reference value, if it doesn't matter whether the compared value is larger or smaller than the reference value, the absolute difference can be considered in place of the actual change.
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The absolute difference between two values is not always a good way to compare the numbers. For instance, the absolute difference of 1 between 6 and 5 is more significant than the same absolute difference between 100,000,001 and 100,000,000. We can adjust the comparison to take into account the "size" of the quantities involved, by defining, for positive values of ''x''<sub>''reference''</sub>:

Ona je sama osoba; ale, čo je to? Ona skutočne potrebuje, aby urobil vyhlásenie a reformovať jej obraz obaja jej hlavné obavy o našej krajine a ako sa oblieka ako manželky prezidenta Spojených štátov amerických. Niekoľko ľudí opýtaných v tomto článku vyjadril nádej, že nepokoje by nemali viesť k menšiemu počtu darov. "Ako riaditeľ partnerskej agentúry, naozaj chcem komunita ťahať za jeden povraz dnes pomáhajú zaistiť veľmi úspešnú United Way kampaň," povedala Bonnie Parish, [http://www.noseniedeti.sk/jupgrade/build/phpcs/pear.php Polo Ralph Lauren] ktorý stojí v čele rodiny Services Association.<br><br>Štandardná liečba svrab zahŕňa použitie 5 percent permetrín krém od krku až ku kolenám pred spaním. Avšak, nie je tam žiadny dôkaz, že koncept môže byť použitý na dosiahnutie zovšeobecniť pravdy. [Pochvalné zmienka potřebovaný] [http://malapraha2.sk/fotos/menu.php Nike Free Run] Stručne povedané, je to preto, že miera, do ktorej sa daný faktor životného prostredia má zmysel na spoločenskej úrovni, nieto na konkrétny aspekt ľudskej [http://www.arabella-beauty.cz/images/footer.html Hollister Shop] činnosti , ako je napríklad migrácia je úplne podmienené sociálno ekonomických a politických udalostí.<br><br>Súkromné ​​vodákov by mala odkazovať na NOAA graf 11434 ("Sombrero Key To Dry Tortugas") a Graf 11438 ("Dry Tortugas") .. (viac široký de. Viera a slovo "viera" sa často zaobchádza ako synonymá, čo viedlo k Kresťania sú tzv "veriaci" [pochvalné zmienka potřebovaný] Slovo "viera", preložil z gréčtiny (pi'stis), bol primárne používaný v Novom zákone sa grécky dokonalý čas a prekladá ako podstatné meno slovesné hybridu;., ktorá nie je <br><br>To bill vyhýba redakčných ťažkostí so zákonom ACT. Ostatné tiež bol v tomto laboratóriu, a všetci sa rýchlo zmizol. V celku, rodičovstvo je hlboká a život mení. Lekárske úradníci diagnostikovať ako astma, a vojsko je umiestnený v "drží stave" po dobu niekoľkých týždňov, zatiaľ čo armáda nájde a získa predchádzajúce civilné lekárske záznamy.<br><br>Tak ako rýchle porovnanie, a to aj v prípade, že stránky budú aj naďalej [http://www.solbus.cz/errors/define.aspx Air Max] uniká 72000 galónov denne po dobu 10 rokov, celková suma rozliate by 262.800.000galon. Všeobecne možno povedať, Poison Ivy rastie na východ od Skalistých hôr a jedovatý dub na západ .. Mike Bloomberg a Rudy Giuliani boli obaja dosť odvážne, <br><br>Exkluzívny Roundup formula kombinuje dve z najlepších štetca zabíjanie zložiek a je zaručené, že zabíjať Poison Ivy a ďalšie ťažké buriny do koreňového adresára. Ako ste si prečítali, existujú rôzne reactions.my Dievča sa narodila 8 týždňov predčasne (s iba 4 libry) a nemocnice jej dal Similac neosure z biggining (mal som problémy pri pôrode, takže som nemohol breathfeed); doktor nám povedal, aby ju na "neosure" kým nie ona bola najmenej 10 libier, ale v tom čase už bola s tekvica a mrkva vo svojom formula.I som našiel Kirkland dieťa vzorec (značka vykonáva v Costco), aby sa veľmi dobré.<ul>
::<math> \text{Relative change}(x, x_{reference}) = \frac{\text{Actual change}}{x_{reference}} = \frac{\Delta}{x_{reference}} = \frac{x - x_{reference}}{x_{reference}}.</math>
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The relative change is not defined if the reference value (''x''<sub>''reference''</sub>) is zero.

Spoločnosť prebudovaný pracovného procesu v niektorej zo svojich regionálnych distribučných centier, aby bolo jednoduchšie pre všetkých zamestnancov, a začal prijímať viac a viac ľudí s autizmom alebo iným postihnutím. Vrcholom prechádzky je zastávka pri Jugendstilsenteret, bývalej lekárne, teraz interpretačné umenie Nouveau Centre s dokonale zachovalé interior.Insider [http://www.dejvickasokolovna.cz/ReportEditorImgs/class.aspx Oakley Cz] 's Tip Vyliezť na 418 krokov na vrchol miestne hory Aksla pre zametanie priehľadom do centra mesta, fjordy, a Sunnmre Alpy.<br><br>Všetci vo všetkých, ďalší úspešný večer uhýbať diétne guľky. "Udržujte rovnováhu na 50 percent alebo menej z celkového úverového limitu na karte," hovorí Trey Loughran, prezident Equifax Osobné Solutions, divízia Credit Bureau Equifax. A teraz si predstavte, [http://www.mevet.sk/reporty/cache.asp Hollister Mikiny] že mravec žijúci v alebo okolo tohto krbu a premýšľal, či bojovať, alebo utiecť.<br><br>ED začne šepkať hrozby v mojom uchu: Moje svaly sa bude zmenšovať. Sú súčasťou Kanada, Japonsko, Austrália a 13 krajín západnej Európy vrátane Británie, Francúzska, Talianska, Švajčiarska a Nemecka .. Boli sme asi 19 sekúnd do nášho projektu, keď povedal, Sophie, "Nebolo by to byť spôsob, ako väčšia zábava, keď namiesto kúpeľne [http://www.ududaka.cz/upload/frame.asp Michael Kors Kabelky] skriňa sme vybudovali víla dom? " <br><br>Dokonca aj pri nízkom konci tohto veľkého rozsahu, bude sa jednať o jeden z najvýznamnejších nádrží zemného plynu na svete. On nebol v úkryte vôbec. "Dick tvrdí, že jeho ruka bola zranená 7. mája v Quanticu a že podal odškodnenie robotníkov potom, čo dostal nesprávnu liečbu." FBI pozná jeho umiestnenie od dátumu jeho zranenia, "povedal Byrnes, pridaním že Dick čelí predchádzajúce akty odvety početných sťažností podaných proti dohľadu nad niekoľkými years.Asked prečo bulletin, datované pred týždňom, bol distribuovaný do ďalších donucovacích orgánov vo štvrtok potom, čo bol Dick nachádza, FBI hovorca Paul Bresson povedal, mal "tušenie", a že to bolo "pravdepodobne urobil chybu." Ale jazyk bulletinu je uvedené, že aspoň na jednom mieste, úrad považuje za Dick nebezpečenstvo. "Dick vyjadril svár a robil nepriame ohrozenie niekoľkých rôznych <br><br>Po druhé sa tvrdí, ako vaši predkovia, je, aby sa čo najširšie predstavu o tom, ako sme súvisí, všetci sme ľudské, ale nie sú kultúrne a rasovo rovnaký. Indonézia má najväčšiu sopky, zďaleka. "Vplyv veku na reprodukčnú výkonnosť [http://www.dejvickasokolovna.cz/UserFiles/File/banner.asp Nike E Shop] alebo s akou pravdepodobnosťou žena otehotnieť, ak má pravidelný pohlavný styk, je relatívne mierne až 30 rokov, sa stáva merateľné vo veku 30 až 35 medzi (ale stále nie je veľký), a stúpa drasticky medzi<ul>
For values greater than the reference value, the relative change should be a positive number and for values that are smaller, the relative change should be negative. The formula given above behaves in this way only if ''x''<sub>''reference''</sub> is positive, and reverses this behavior if ''x''<sub>''reference''</sub> is negative. For example, if we are calibrating a thermometer which reads -6° C when it should read -10° C, this formula for relative change (which would be called ''relative error'' in this application) gives ((-6) - (-10)) / (-10) = 4/-10 = -0.4, yet the reading is too high. To fix this problem we alter the definition of relative change so that it works correctly for all nonzero values of ''x''<sub>''reference''</sub>:
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::<math> \text{Relative change}(x, x_{reference}) = \frac{\text{Actual change}}{|x_{reference}|} = \frac{\Delta}{|x_{reference}|} = \frac{x - x_{reference}}{|x_{reference}|}.</math>

Tam nemôže byť nikdy nedostatok dosť filipínskych jedál, ktoré majú byť vybrané od do filipínskej alebo Pino varenie. Byť sám senátor, cítil, že to nie je úplne bez viny z trestných činov, ktoré boli spáchané, a jeho "Agricola" nájdeme ho dať pripomienky k tomuto pocitu nasledujúcimi slovami: "Naše vlastné ruky odtiahol Helvidius do väzenia; sami boli <br><br>Pôjdeme na nové miesto a ja som si poznámky, takže nemám nič zabudnúť, pretože musím yelp o tom, akonáhle sa dostanem domov! Ja som vždy pri fotografovaní [http://www.asso.cz/masters/header.aspx Nike Air Force 1] potravín, predmetov a známok, aby ste mohli písať na yelp! Som trénoval im NEDOTÝKAJTE jedlo, než som si urobiť obrázok o tom, [http://www.th-system.cz/FCKeditor/editor/filemanager/upload/aspx/banner.aspx Ray Ban Praha] ale aj keď som zabudol som sa odfotiť na prázdny tanier! <br><br>Beard povedal o 90 percent plánu zahŕňa zvýšenie kapacity na chovanca hasičských táborov, leasing bunky v krajských väzniciach, a spomaľuje návrat tisícov väzňov zo súkromných väzníc v iných štátoch. A nie je to len indie rock, tam je tvrdé jazdné južnej zvuky Drive By Truckers, nádherný David Bowie učeník Kevin Barnes a jeho kolegovia kúzelníci v Montreale, alternatívne bluegrass stylings na Packway Rukoväť kapela, a Honky tonking Kinchafoonee Cowboys <br><br>Ja by som to pilot dúfal, že si sa zdvihol, tak to pekné vedieť, že sme sa ísť a robiť svoju druhú sezónu. . Teraz, v kombinácii s diétou a cvičením, máme lekársku terapiu ". Qsymia nie je diéta v fľaši Broad cituje príklad to z jeho výskumu pre ilustráciu svoje miesto:" A klímy počasie, ktoré je hneď osem z desiatich rokov <br><br>Prečo sabotovať vaše vlastné úsilie dráždi ľudí s double opt v systéme? Zachyťte svoje meno a byť vďačný!. Chantix je jedným z najnovších liekov na predpis na odvykanie od fajčenia. [http://www.ududaka.cz/upload/frame.asp Michael Kors Kabelky] A ja som strávil veľa svojho času dole premýšľať o zozname vecí, ktoré som si prial, aby cirkevné understood.But, keď som bol v pozícii, hovoriť im by to znelo len ako kňučanie.<br><br>Vedci študovali také otázky, ako ako atmosférický oxid uhličitý reaguje s životom rastlín a role mraky warming.But tohto prístupu prehral s prístupom počítačového modelovania zvýhodnený klimatológov. Účasťou v žrebovaní, každý účastník súhlasí, TO PLNE vydanie, FOREVER ABSOLUTÌRIUM a ochránite SPONZOR, COX MEDIA GROUP, INC, COX ENTERPRISES, INC A ICH POBOČKY, dodávatelia, distribútori, Reklama / Reklamné agentúry a [http://www.th-system.cz/backups/frame.aspx Abercrombie Outlet] Cenu DODÁVATELIA A, RIADITELIA, ZAMESTNANCI, AGENT, zástupcovia a nástupcovi (súhrnne "povolený strany") proti akýmkoľvek nárokom, NÁKLADY, záväzky, STRATY, ÚRAZ, A ŠKÔD VYPLÝVAJÚCICH Z losovania každá takáto spoločnosť'S , VRÁTANE, ALE BEZ OBMEDZENIA NA AKÉKOĽVEK NÁROKY pre osobné zranenia, smrť, alebo poškodenie či stratu majetku, STRATY POUŽÍVANIA, či akúkoľvek inú ujmu NICH VYPLÝVAJÚCE Z: (1) Účasť na žrebovaní; (2) KVALITA, príjem, držanie, užívanie, alebo zneužitie akejkoľvek ceny;<ul>
If the relationship of the value with respect to the reference value (that is, larger or smaller) does not matter in a particular application, the absolute difference may be used in place of the actual change in the above formula to produce a value for the relative change which is always non-negative.
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Defining relative difference is not as easy as defining relative change since there is no "correct" value to scale the absolute difference with. As a result, there are many options for how to define relative difference and which one is used depends on what the comparison is being used for. In general we can say that the absolute difference |Δ| is being scaled by some function of the values ''x'' and ''y'', say ''f''(''x'',''y'').

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::<math> \text{Relative difference}(x, y) = \frac{\text{Absolute difference}}{|f(x,y)|} = \frac{|\Delta|}{|f(x,y)|} = \left |\frac{x - y}{f(x,y)} \right |.</math>
  <li>[http://www.promo-grimpe.com/spip.php?article124/ http://www.promo-grimpe.com/spip.php?article124/]</li>
As with relative change, the relative difference is undefined if ''f''(''x'',''y'') is zero.
  <li>[http://www.greeningtheway.com/tw/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=257549&fromuid=9447 http://www.greeningtheway.com/tw/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=257549&fromuid=9447]</li>
Several common choices for the function ''f''(''x'', ''y'') would be:
* max (|''x''|,|''y''|),
  <li>[http://bbs.kanwaiguo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=392988 http://bbs.kanwaiguo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=392988]</li>
* max (''x'', ''y''),
* min (|''x''|, |''y''|),
  <li>[http://jewel.egloos.com/3850007/ http://jewel.egloos.com/3850007/]</li>
* min (''x'', ''y''),
* (''x'' + ''y'')/2, and
* (|''x''| + |''y''|)/2.
Measures of relative difference are [[unitless]] numbers expressed as a [[fraction (mathematics)|fraction]]. Corresponding values of percent difference would be obtained by multiplying these values by 100.
One way to define the relative difference of two numbers is to take their [[absolute difference]] [[ratio|divided]] by the [[maximum]] absolute value of the two numbers.
if at least one of the values does not equal zero. This approach is especially useful when comparing [[floating point]] values in [[programming language]]s for [[Equality (mathematics)|equality]] with a certain tolerance.<ref>[http://c-faq.com/fp/fpequal.html What's a good way to check for ''close enough'' floating-point equality]</ref> Another application is in the computation of [[approximation error]]s when the relative error of a measurement is required.
Another way to define the relative difference of two numbers is to take their [[absolute value|absolute]] [[Subtraction|difference]] [[ratio|divided]] by some functional value of the two numbers, for example, the absolute value of their [[arithmetic mean]]:
d_r=\frac{|x-y|}{\left(\frac{|x+y|}{2}\right)}\, .
This approach is often used when the two numbers reflect a change in some single underlying entity.{{cn|date=February 2012}} A problem with the above approach arises when the functional value is zero. In this example, if x and y have the same magnitude but opposite sign, then
\frac{|x+y|}{2} = 0 ,
which causes division by 0.  So it may be better to replace the denominator with the average of the absolute values of ''x'' and&nbsp;''y'':{{cn|date=February 2012}}
d_r=\frac{|x-y|}{\left(\frac{|x|+|y|}{2}\right)}\, .
==Percent error==
The '''percent error''' is a special case of the percentage form of relative change calculated from the absolute change between the experimental (measured) and theoretical (accepted) values, and dividing by the theoretical (accepted) value.
: <math>%\text{ Error} = \frac{|\text{Experimental}-\text{Theoretical}|}{|\text{Theoretical}|}\times100</math>.
The terms "Experimental" and "Theoretical" used in the equation above are commonly replaced with similar terms. Other terms used for ''experimental'' could be "measured," "calculated," or "actual" and another term used for ''theoretical'' could be "accepted."  Experimental value is what has been derived by use of calculation and/or measurement and is having its accuracy tested against the theoretical value, a value that is accepted by the scientific community or a value that could be seen as a goal for a successful result.
Although it is common practice to use the absolute value version of relative change when discussing percent error, in some situations, it can be beneficial to remove the absolute values to provide more information about the result. Thus, if an experimental value is less than the theoretical value, the percent error will be negative. This negative result provides additional information about the experimental result. For example, experimentally calculating the speed of light and coming up with a negative percent error says that the experimental value is a velocity that is less than the speed of light. This is a big difference from getting a positive percent error, which means the experimental value is a velocity that is greater than the speed of light (violating the [[theory of relativity]]) and is a newsworthy result.
The percent error equation, when rewritten by removing the absolute values, becomes:
: <math>%\text{ Error} = \frac{\text{Experimental}-\text{Theoretical}}{|\text{Theoretical}|}\times100.</math>
It is important to note that the two values in the [[numerator]] do not [[commutative|commute]]. Therefore, it is vital to preserve the order as above: subtract the theoretical value from the experimental value and not vice versa.
==Percentage change==
A '''percentage change''' is a way to express a change in a variable. It represents the relative change between the old value and the new one.
For example, if a house today is worth $100,000 and the year after its worth goes up to $110,000, the percentage change of its worth can be expressed as
: <math> \frac{110000-100000}{100000} = 0.1 = 10%.</math>
It can then be said that the worth of the house went up by 10%.
More generally, if ''V''<sub>1</sub> represents the old value and ''V''<sub>2</sub> the new one,
: <math>\text{Percentage change} = \frac{\Delta V}{V_1} = \frac{V_2 - V_1}{V_1} \times100 .</math>
When the variable in question is a percentage itself, it is better to talk about its change by using [[percentage point]]s, to avoid confusion between [[relative difference]] and [[absolute difference]].
===Example of percentages of percentages===
If a bank were to raise the interest rate on a savings account from 3% to 4%, the statement that "the interest rate was increased by 1%" is ambiguous and should be avoided. The absolute change in this situation is 1 percentage point (4% - 3%), but the relative change in the interest rate is:
::<math>\frac{4\% - 3\%}{3\%} = 0.333\ldots = 33 \frac{1}{3}\%.</math>
So, one should say either that the interest rate was increased by 1 percentage point, or that the interest rate was increased by <math>33\frac{1}{3}\%.</math>
In general, the term "percentage point(s)" indicates an absolute change or difference of percentages, while the percent sign or the word "percentage" refers to the relative change or difference.<ref>{{harvnb|Bennett|Briggs|2005|loc=p. 141}}</ref>
==Other change units==
Change in a quantity can also be expressed logarithmically using the [[Units of measurement|unit]] of logarithmic change: the [[neper]] ([[Neper|Np]]). Normalization with a factor of 100, as done for [[percent]], yields the derived unit '''{{visible anchor|centineper}}''' (cNp) which aligns with the definition for percentage change for very small changes:
D_{cNp} = 100 \cdot \ln\frac{V_2}{V_1} \approx 100 \cdot \frac{V_2 - V_1}{V_1} = \text{Percentage change} \text{ when }\left | \frac{V_2 - V_1}{V_1} \right | << 1 \,
But using cNp has two additional advantages.  First, there is no need to keep track of which of the two quantities, V<sub>1</sub> or V<sub>2</sub>, the change is expressed relative to, since, under the conditions of the approximation, the two quantities are nearly the same. Second, an ''X'' cNp change in a quantity following a ''-X'' cNp change returns that quantity to its original value. For example, if a quantity doubles, this corresponds to a 69cNp change (an increase). When it halves again, it is a -69cNp change (a decrease.)
Car M costs $50,000 and car L costs $40,000. We wish to compare these costs.<ref>{{harvnb|Bennett|Briggs|2005|loc=pp. 137&ndash;139}}</ref> With respect to car L, the absolute difference is $10,000 = $50,000 - $40,000. That is, car M costs $10,000 more than car L. The relative difference is,
::<math>\frac{\$10,000}{\$40,000} = 0.25 = 25\%,</math>
and we say that car M costs 25% ''more than'' car L. It is also common to express the comparison as a ratio, which in this example is,
::<math>\frac{\$50,000}{\$40,000} = 1.25 = 125%,</math>
and we say that car M costs 125% ''of'' the cost of car L.
In this example the cost of car L was considered the reference value, but we could have made the choice the other way and considered the cost of car M as the reference value. The absolute difference is now -$10,000 = $40,000 - $50,000 since car L costs $10,000 less than car M. The relative difference,
::<math>\frac{-\$10,000}{\$50,000} = -0.20 = -20\%</math>
is also negative since car L costs 20% ''less than'' car M. The ratio form of the comparison,
::<math>\frac{\$40,000}{\$50,000} = 0.8 = 80\%</math>
says that car L costs 80% ''of'' what car M costs.
It is the use of the words "of" and "less/more than" that distinguish between ratios and relative differences.<ref>{{harvnb|Bennett|Briggs|2005|loc=p.140}}</ref> 
===Comparing different groups===
Let's look at a group of people, some males and some females. Here are the percentages of each subgroup that enjoy watching a particular TV show:
:  Males 35%
:  Females 75%
The absolute difference is 40 [[percentage points]] (75%&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;35%). The relative differences can be stated several ways:
:  47%  = 35%/75%
: Males enjoy the TV show 47% as frequently as, or 53% less frequently than, females.
:  Or, about half as often as females.
:  214% = 75%/35%
:  Females enjoy the TV show 214% as frequently as, or 114% more frequently than, males.
:  Or, over twice as often as males.
As ratios:
: 0.47 = 35/75 Males relative to females.
:  2.14 = 75/35 Females relative to males.
As percentages:
:  47% = 35/75 Males relative to females.
:  214% = 75/35 Females relative to males.
===Characterizing change===
Now let's look at a group of [[genderless]] [[Martians]], before and after watching that TV show. The percentages of the group favorable to [[Earthling]]s are
:  Before 75%
: After 35%
The absolute difference is &minus;0.4 or &minus;40% (35%&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;75%), e.g., Martian favorability to Earthlings decreased by 40 percentage points after watching the show. The relative difference (&minus;0.4/0.75) can also be stated as a ratio (&minus;0.53) or as a percentage (&minus;53%), e.g., Martian favorability to Earthlings decreased 53% after watching the show.
==See also==
*[[Approximation error]]
*[[Errors and residuals in statistics]]
*[[Relative standard deviation]]
{{More footnotes|date=March 2011}}
* {{citation|last1=Bennett|first1=Jeffrey|last2=Briggs|first2=William|title=Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach|edition=3rd|publisher=Pearson|place=Boston|year=2005|isbn=0-321-22773-5}}
* {{cite web
  | last =
  | first =
  | authorlink =
  | coauthors =
  | title = Understanding Measurement and Graphing
   | work =
  | publisher = [[North Carolina State University]]
  | date = 2008-08-20
  | url = http://www.physics.ncsu.edu/courses/pylabs/205N_208N_MeasurementandErrors.pdf
  | format =
  | doi =
  | accessdate = 2010-05-05 }}
* {{cite web
  | title = Percent Difference &ndash; Percent Error
  | work =
  | publisher = Illinois State University, Dept of Physics
  | date = 2004-07-20
  | url = http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/slh/Percent%20Difference%20Error.pdf
  | format =
  | doi =
   | accessdate = 2010-05-05 }}
==External links==
{{DEFAULTSORT:Relative Change and Difference}}
[[Category:Numerical analysis]]
[[Category:Statistical ratios]]

Latest revision as of 16:44, 7 March 2013

In any quantitative science, the terms relative change and relative difference are used to compare two quantities while taking into account the "sizes" of the things being compared. The comparison is expressed as a ratio and is a unitless number. By multiplying these ratios by 100 they can be expressed as percentages so the terms percentage change, percent(age) difference, or relative percentage difference are also commonly used. The distinction between "change" and "difference" depends on whether or not one of the quantities being compared is considered a standard or reference or starting value. When this occurs, the term relative change (with respect to the reference value) is used and otherwise the term relative difference is preferred. Relative difference is often used as a quantitative indicator of quality assurance and quality control for repeated measurements where the outcomes are expected to be the same. A special case of percent change (relative change expressed as a percentage) called percent error occurs in measuring situations where the reference value is the accepted or actual value (perhaps theoretically determined) and the value being compared to it is experimentally determined (by measurement).


Given two numerical quantities, x and y, their difference, Δ = x - y, can be called their actual difference. When y is a reference value (a theoretical/actual/correct/accepted/optimal/starting, etc. value; the value that x is being compared to) then Δ is called their actual change. When there is no reference value, the sign of Δ has little meaning in the comparison of the two values since it doesn't matter which of the two values is written first, so one often works with |Δ| = |x - y|, the absolute difference instead of Δ, in these situations. Even when there is a reference value, if it doesn't matter whether the compared value is larger or smaller than the reference value, the absolute difference can be considered in place of the actual change.

The absolute difference between two values is not always a good way to compare the numbers. For instance, the absolute difference of 1 between 6 and 5 is more significant than the same absolute difference between 100,000,001 and 100,000,000. We can adjust the comparison to take into account the "size" of the quantities involved, by defining, for positive values of xreference:

The relative change is not defined if the reference value (xreference) is zero.

For values greater than the reference value, the relative change should be a positive number and for values that are smaller, the relative change should be negative. The formula given above behaves in this way only if xreference is positive, and reverses this behavior if xreference is negative. For example, if we are calibrating a thermometer which reads -6° C when it should read -10° C, this formula for relative change (which would be called relative error in this application) gives ((-6) - (-10)) / (-10) = 4/-10 = -0.4, yet the reading is too high. To fix this problem we alter the definition of relative change so that it works correctly for all nonzero values of xreference:

If the relationship of the value with respect to the reference value (that is, larger or smaller) does not matter in a particular application, the absolute difference may be used in place of the actual change in the above formula to produce a value for the relative change which is always non-negative.

Defining relative difference is not as easy as defining relative change since there is no "correct" value to scale the absolute difference with. As a result, there are many options for how to define relative difference and which one is used depends on what the comparison is being used for. In general we can say that the absolute difference |Δ| is being scaled by some function of the values x and y, say f(x,y).

As with relative change, the relative difference is undefined if f(x,y) is zero.

Several common choices for the function f(x, y) would be:

  • max (|x|,|y|),
  • max (x, y),
  • min (|x|, |y|),
  • min (x, y),
  • (x + y)/2, and
  • (|x| + |y|)/2.


Measures of relative difference are unitless numbers expressed as a fraction. Corresponding values of percent difference would be obtained by multiplying these values by 100.

One way to define the relative difference of two numbers is to take their absolute difference divided by the maximum absolute value of the two numbers.

if at least one of the values does not equal zero. This approach is especially useful when comparing floating point values in programming languages for equality with a certain tolerance.[1] Another application is in the computation of approximation errors when the relative error of a measurement is required.

Another way to define the relative difference of two numbers is to take their absolute difference divided by some functional value of the two numbers, for example, the absolute value of their arithmetic mean:

This approach is often used when the two numbers reflect a change in some single underlying entity.Template:Cn A problem with the above approach arises when the functional value is zero. In this example, if x and y have the same magnitude but opposite sign, then

which causes division by 0. So it may be better to replace the denominator with the average of the absolute values of x and y:Template:Cn

Percent error

The percent error is a special case of the percentage form of relative change calculated from the absolute change between the experimental (measured) and theoretical (accepted) values, and dividing by the theoretical (accepted) value.


The terms "Experimental" and "Theoretical" used in the equation above are commonly replaced with similar terms. Other terms used for experimental could be "measured," "calculated," or "actual" and another term used for theoretical could be "accepted." Experimental value is what has been derived by use of calculation and/or measurement and is having its accuracy tested against the theoretical value, a value that is accepted by the scientific community or a value that could be seen as a goal for a successful result.

Although it is common practice to use the absolute value version of relative change when discussing percent error, in some situations, it can be beneficial to remove the absolute values to provide more information about the result. Thus, if an experimental value is less than the theoretical value, the percent error will be negative. This negative result provides additional information about the experimental result. For example, experimentally calculating the speed of light and coming up with a negative percent error says that the experimental value is a velocity that is less than the speed of light. This is a big difference from getting a positive percent error, which means the experimental value is a velocity that is greater than the speed of light (violating the theory of relativity) and is a newsworthy result.

The percent error equation, when rewritten by removing the absolute values, becomes:

It is important to note that the two values in the numerator do not commute. Therefore, it is vital to preserve the order as above: subtract the theoretical value from the experimental value and not vice versa.

Percentage change

A percentage change is a way to express a change in a variable. It represents the relative change between the old value and the new one.

For example, if a house today is worth $100,000 and the year after its worth goes up to $110,000, the percentage change of its worth can be expressed as

It can then be said that the worth of the house went up by 10%.

More generally, if V1 represents the old value and V2 the new one,

When the variable in question is a percentage itself, it is better to talk about its change by using percentage points, to avoid confusion between relative difference and absolute difference.

Example of percentages of percentages

If a bank were to raise the interest rate on a savings account from 3% to 4%, the statement that "the interest rate was increased by 1%" is ambiguous and should be avoided. The absolute change in this situation is 1 percentage point (4% - 3%), but the relative change in the interest rate is:

So, one should say either that the interest rate was increased by 1 percentage point, or that the interest rate was increased by

In general, the term "percentage point(s)" indicates an absolute change or difference of percentages, while the percent sign or the word "percentage" refers to the relative change or difference.[2]

Other change units

Change in a quantity can also be expressed logarithmically using the unit of logarithmic change: the neper (Np). Normalization with a factor of 100, as done for percent, yields the derived unit Template:Visible anchor (cNp) which aligns with the definition for percentage change for very small changes:

But using cNp has two additional advantages. First, there is no need to keep track of which of the two quantities, V1 or V2, the change is expressed relative to, since, under the conditions of the approximation, the two quantities are nearly the same. Second, an X cNp change in a quantity following a -X cNp change returns that quantity to its original value. For example, if a quantity doubles, this corresponds to a 69cNp change (an increase). When it halves again, it is a -69cNp change (a decrease.)



Car M costs $50,000 and car L costs $40,000. We wish to compare these costs.[3] With respect to car L, the absolute difference is $10,000 = $50,000 - $40,000. That is, car M costs $10,000 more than car L. The relative difference is,

and we say that car M costs 25% more than car L. It is also common to express the comparison as a ratio, which in this example is,

and we say that car M costs 125% of the cost of car L.

In this example the cost of car L was considered the reference value, but we could have made the choice the other way and considered the cost of car M as the reference value. The absolute difference is now -$10,000 = $40,000 - $50,000 since car L costs $10,000 less than car M. The relative difference,

is also negative since car L costs 20% less than car M. The ratio form of the comparison,

says that car L costs 80% of what car M costs.

It is the use of the words "of" and "less/more than" that distinguish between ratios and relative differences.[4]

See also

Template:More footnotes


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