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Qualche settimana fa Don Imus ha fatto i titoli nazionali di riferimento alla squadra di basket femminile Rutgers, composto principalmente da donne nere, come "pannolini hos diretti." Ero fiducioso che l'enorme risposta alle parole Imus 'causerebbe profonda introspezione nella nostra società sul razzismo che esiste nei media mainstream. Invece ci sembra di trovarci in una discussione su musica rap e dei suoi effetti sulle donne e le minoranze.

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Alan Shearer centre making Want cash bid

THE disabled center named in honour of Alan Shearer is hoping to make wants come true.

But Ralph Lauren Ireland to continue together with the unique work and increase the resources they offer the both new and experienced of the North East, the Alan Shearer Activity Centre wants new equipment.

Staff are hoping to collect enough tokens within the Wish cash giveaway to get new equipment for its special hydrotherapy pool. Once again, we are shelling out 50,000 between worthy causes in the region.

This year likely to overwhelming 275 community communities registered on our Wish list, all hoping to get their hands on a slice of the hard cash.

All groups taking part are usually guaranteed a share in the Wish cash, with the volume they receive dependent on the quantity of tokens printed in the Explain they manage to collect.

There's also an opportunity for you to play a part in helping the groups of your choice by preserving the tokens and giving them off to your favorite cause.

This year the Alan Shearer Activity Centre plans to spend any money it receives by Wish in new apparatus for its special hydrotherapy pool.

Middle manager Rob Molineux has already arranged some equipment including unique inflatables, and buoyant, waterproof online sensory equipment, which he wishes to have in place by Spring season 2012.

Rob, who has recently been involved with St Cuthbert's Care for Ten years, said: "The hydrotherapy pool at the Alan Shearer Activity Centre is very popular with disabled users. With moving lights, fibre optic shimmer draperies, and water power water jets, users can create a fun filled and stimulating experience whilst remaining solely safe."

The Alan Shearer Activity Centre is designed to offer both stimulating and peaceful activities for disabled people spanning various ages. Membership is free Vibram Five Fingers Ireland and all the services, including a hydrotherapy pool, ball share, sensory rooms and a Wii console Room for up to eight people, are available on a pay as you go groundwork.

"As far as we are aware nothing is like this locally or as Mbt Ireland far as I know in the country," mentioned Rob.

Registered groups in this year's competition range from sporting activities clubs to schools, Ray Ban Aviators older folks' enterprises, charities and community organizations. But every group participating needs your support in regards to token collection. With 170,115 average issue subscribers, this reach extends to 366,753 daily readers that's over 1/4 regarding adults in the area!

The average occasion spent reading the Explain is 31 minutes; which shows the length of time that visitors engaging with the editorial and advertising content.

49,199 replicates of the Chronicle are sold an average of each day as it continues to be a fundamental portion of the region.

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Audience numbers from Omniture, monthly average (Jul November 2012).

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This Thursford cinema has got rims

From the outside it is a traditional Romany caravan, detailed with curved roof and intricate designs on Air Max 2014 the doors.

But action inside and visitors are met with Tiffany And Co Australia a giant 7x5ft screen and six seats, ready for a day of looking at films, television or hearing music.

When moving evening came seven months back, it was broken down into a number of pieces and shipped around, ready to be recreated in their Thursford home.

"The reason this really is here is basically because you have this kind of funny, crazy planning legislation," he said.

"All I see at this point is lots of beautiful cars, sitting on the road because you can't possibly build garages.

"I thought, 'I can't build a permanent little live theatre here, how can I get over it?I So I did one on wheels so I can move the item anywhere I want it was an inspired way of getting over the restrictions.Inches

It is not the first time Mr Screaming has let his imagination run free while he appeared to be building in fact in Nz he was known for this.

Banner's Dairy, on the edge of the particular highway at Thames, was a fairytale castle created around the cover of a run down and "boring" oblong building.

Mr Banner reported he transformed it all in a day, adding: "We used to promote so many cakes and pies and ice creams. Operate looked before, it wouldn't have experienced more than three people throughout the doors."

He also launched a theatre in his back garden with New Zealand which became a well-known attraction for Australian tourists.

For Mr Banner, who first moved to New Zealand with the age of 23 after finishing an apprenticeship in joinery in London, it is all about one thing: "magic".

He is usually striving to break from the usual and sees creating a fantasy as the perfect way to get away.

The father of three reported the Romany caravan was the perfect layer for his mobile movie house, which he will happily break free to for an entire day to look at television and listen to popular music away from the real world.

"The real gipsy seemed to be living a life of freedom. They didn't want to conform," he explained.

But with plans to move back to help New Zealand, having got fed up of British weather already, Mister Banner will have to give up his / her cleverly hidden theatre and is particularly looking for a buyer.

He said they hoped whoever took it away his hands would make essentially the most of its magical qualities.

Everyone interested in the Romany caravan theatre should contact Mr Banner in 01328 822489.

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Wolfville RCMP investigate after dog quit in hot car is disapated

Police found the pet in a very parked Volkswagen in an Acadia Higher education parking lot. The officers for the scene were told it had been there for about three hours, said Const. Blair MacMurtery.

One of the bystanders experimented with rescue the animal by smashing the windows and attempting first aid, but the attempt was too late to save the Portuguese normal water dog, who died of warmth stroke.

On July 17, there was a report from Brand-new Minas about a dog left inside a van. The owner had quit the vehicle running with air conditioning going. It is illegal beneath the Motor Vehicle Act to leave an auto running unattended.

"The dog had been fine, but what the user was doing was outlawed. It's a Catch 22 circumstances," said MacMurtery.

The following day, a different dog was left in a vehicle on Main Street in Kingston. The dog owner received a warning. On Come early july 20, two reports started in about a total of several dogs left in a pick up truck and a van in Completely new Minas. Both of those owners were warned.

The RCMP are showing the public not to leave his or her pets in their car or truck. The automobile traps air inside as an oven in the summer and an puppy can only survive a short time within a hot, confined environment just before suffering brain damage or death. The temperature inside a closed vehicle can explode to 39 C throughout 10 minutes and to 49 C in 30 minutes, even when left in the shade with the windows combined down.

Drivers are instructed to please leave their house animals at home or travel with an grownup passenger to stay with their dogs and cats in a vehicle if they need to keep the vehicle for any reason.

Editor's note: You will find anti idling bylaws in Wolfville and Kentville.

Okay, I admire the people who did the following, I take my baby everywhere with me and yes nancy my baby, not just a doggy. Now don't interpret this particular as it is ok to leave ones animal in the car cause it is far from, common sense if u are inclined shopping leave your baby doggie at home, it only makes sense. This guy who left his pet for 3 hours in my opinion with this heat any more than a couple of minutes is way too long, leave a windows opened, it makes me sad for the guy which tried to save that pet, his sense of urgency in addition to anger must have been excellent. About two weeks ago My partner and i call the police on two cars parked in a WalMart parking lot. One car got one dog in it; the opposite had two dogs. Indeed, the windows were straight down about 4" or so but one of your dogs was foaming at the mouth area, spittle flying everywhere, and paranoid. My car's thermometer was registering 30 and I got my windows down. My partner and i called the police but it took over half an hour before anyone turned up. By that time both multiple owner came out of the store. The particular officer gave the impression regarding "no harm, no foul" and explained that all he would do will be file the report but it would not be followed up. It's unsatisfactory. There were two couples, one particular for each car. What is so faithfully about taking your dog(ersus) out of the car and resting with them under the trees although the other person goes in to do your shopping? Maybe if the motor vehicles were impounded and the animals used into care automatically it might make a difference. In Germany, perfectly behaved dogs go in all places, including into malls and restaurants. The key with family pets is the same as it is for children make them learn how to behave and you can drive them just about everywhere. Or how about if there are areas set up for dogs, where the owners can abandon them while they "pop in for just a few minutes" shopping?

LET US GET THE STORY Directly PEOPLE. I AM THE ONE WHO Destroyed THE WINDOW WITH A HAMMER. Whereby THIS ARTICLE DOES IT SAY We had arrived AWARE OF THE DOG IN THE CAR For several HOURS. WE CONCLUDED THAT Due to the fact NOBODY SAW THE OWNER FOR 3 HOURS, THEN THE DOG MUST HAVE BEEN IN THE CAR THAT LONG. Inside of 1 MINUTE OF ME Becoming ALERTED TO THE DOG In a car, TAKING A CLOSE LOOK, SEEING Your new puppy IN DISTRESS, THE WINDOW Has been SMASHED. I DID NOT EVEN THINK TO CALL THE POLICE! THE WOMAN WHO INITIALLY DISCOVERED THE DOG INFORMED A male WHO INFORMED ME. SHE Promptly CALLED POLICE AND SHE Himself HAD NOTHING TO SMASH Windowpane WITH. SO WITHIN It's possible 8 MINUTES OF THE Uncovering, WE SMASHED THE WINDOW, CLIMBED THROUGH BROKEN GLASS, TOOK THE DOG OUT OF THE VEHICLE, Observed 8 LITRES OF WATER, GAVE MOUTH TO MOUTH, Known as a VET, SAID A PRAYER, CALLED ACADIA SECURITY AND LOOKED FOR Seller. NOT TO MENTION HAD OUR Bears BREAK BECAUSE WE Saw THIS BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL Kick the bucket! sTOP THE DAMN ASSUMPTIONS According to YOUR INTERPRETATIONS OF WHAT You actually READ. First I want to besides say "THANK YOU" but also send you your heartfelt SYMPATHY. Thank you for seeking to do the right thing help you save this poor baby from the miserable, horrid , tortuous death. I actually guarantee you if I see I personally animal in a vehicle, I will not disappear the animal will not suffer a horrific death as this terrible bay did. RIP lovely soul.

Hi John. I can understand your frustration on the comments without even reading these. Please remember though, with the mass media, and how things are interpretted on the internet (not seeing people's expressions, express, etc.) it if very difficult to get the true facts unless the actual people from the occurrence tell the facts. That being said, there are a variety of trolls on the internet, who's lives are so depressing that they can definitely not stand to see someone else be at liberty or do a noble point like you and the others would.

That being said. I can not thank you more than enough for trying, even though I have no connection with this account. It saddens me to think consumers are still doing this with all the massive of animals and children and all sorts of warnings. I watched a thing along the same thing happening in the mall I was at.

I think and the others that were along with you at this time can heal out of what you saw and that you are very mindful that at least in the last little while of the dog's life, that knew love and that you had been trying for him. I'm at the point now that We are starting to carry something to get rid of windows with in my purse/bag so that I can do the same should the situation arises, which I pray doesn't but there are way too many stupid people out there for this to be the last one. Malls and Public places and the government need to be portion of the solutions Leaving the dog at home it not always the best solution either. Doggies have loved going on vacation as much as persons for years and loving the item. My 8lb Yorkie has journeyed around North America. Some places like parks have a place for the doggie you can rent an aura condition space and/or have people that will walk them. Should you go to a restaurant park by way of a window and watch your pet and keep going out to check on them, letting them out while you are anticipating your food order. Allow tiny friendly pets in an air conditioning place. In some countries they usually are with you outside at a eating place so they can be with you, along with some countries they can can come it but not in North America. They say don't leave a person's pets outdoors cause it truly is too hot, if you don't have air conditioning fitness center in an apartment Moncler Jackets that is not flexible either but hopefully they have got fans. What is the difference should you leave your doggie within an air condition vehicle or one or another adult sits in the car together with the doggie? It should NEVER BE ILLIGAL to acquire your doggie in an ac and the car running when you are responsible, don't leave them too long, have water, foods and window opened a little bit. I was in BC and my husband had to go to the medical doctors office. I held my doggie in an air condition holding out room and he is a not allergic hair doggie and was quit in his carry get bag on my lap just like gold and they told me I had to take him outside. There are only a few people there. I actually told them I was travelling in addition to my vehicle broke down plus it was too hot outside with regard to him, but it did not make a difference to them it was policy. Well, i asked to see the policy in writing and they could not provide that will to me. People who do not have puppies are not open to any answers. People take their dogs along with them and have done so for years with no killing them. My dog is almost 12 and still is definitely alive so must be performing something right, and the reply for me is Air Conditioning in the summer time and heat on from the colder days especially though travelling and we have to feed on in a restaurant, window open on top of the roof of the car or truck so cannot be easily thieved, or jump out because he is usually small, food, and normal water. I want to protect the environment but placed my doggies life across the environment and air conditioning by using open window somewhere and also water and food really should be allowed. A lot of doggies experience separation and anxiety attachs after you leave them home. From time to time I travelled and some in many place they have someone supervising your doggie in your autos at all times. I was in a small Motor home and had a fan, and of course would everything to Ray Ban Justin make the doggie content and confortable and it was not a hot hot day. The monitor stumbled on me and said I actually watched your Yorkie for yourself and he was quite comfy. He is very cute. I personally said how did you know that, and hubby had a machine to check will be every movement or could sense if they were stressed at all. It was not that very hot that day but I sure was appreciative they were there to help. It turned out a open zoo in the USA. The guy knew and told me a lot about what and how my personal doggie was doing. Shopping centers and restaurants and the authorities need to get Solutions too having pet owners.

I met another who, during a conversation pertaining to leaving dogs in cars, told me that he had left his dog in a car intended for "just a few moments while I popped right into a store". Called for over the speaker system they did not wish to leave his place in the checkout line up. By the time he got to his / her car the cops were being attending the scene as well as a large crowd of rubberneckers acquired gathered. He was so embarrassed and contrite that he admitted that he would NEVER do this just as before. A good, free, immediate, session in avoiding stupidity. But fast reaction by the police makes perfect.

I fully agree with everybody that this is not right in addition to seems like its not taken seriously by way of everyone, but you know whats going to happen is the more warns that are given, the more that people will take this as a ruse !! But if it was a then and there fine ( and a hefty 1 at that ) i bet significantly less animals would be put in this example, and more animals would be maintained like they expect now there owner too. Please folks grow up and look out on your pets. They don't ask to get treated like this, they will be loved and taken care of, they are like a child (a part of the family) i know lots of people that could do anything for there pets and also absolutely would never do this in their mind EVER!!!, well im visiting leave it at this. You wouldn't achieve this to a child so why would you will think for one minute of accomplishing it to your pet. PEOPLE LIKE THIS JUST DON'T Deserving of having A PET OF ANY Beats Pill Ireland KIND AS THERE Good friend.

July 22, 2013 from 21:47:16They really should cease giving warnings,even non pet owners have seen this time after time again. It patetic, immature and inhumaine. It is not like they havent givien forewarning for the past 50 years but its common-sense. Any person that drive knows when you run into the store for 2 minuets (even after having your air conditioning managing) that the car get uncomfortably warm. No more warning, no longer Fines, they should lose puppy or parental rights plus do jail time. No odds, warnings or fines. It isn't rocket science nor is it everything new, its common sense along with human decency. This is inhumaine and no Vibram Five Fingers need for it. As much as I'd like to view the owners sit in the very hot car and suffer a similar, I know that isn't right. More serious possible death ever. Deal to in peace to all family pets and children that have lost their lives in order to stupidity and inconsiderate parents/owners. Totally disgusted.

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