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i think "unsigned" is confusing here -- unsigned (integer) representations are a separate issue; not clear what a signed zero has to do with them
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== Vibram Fivefingers  og nyttigt. Hvis du er en newbie ==
In [[mathematics]], a '''Klein geometry''' is a type of [[geometry]] motivated by [[Felix Klein]] in his influential [[Erlangen program]]. More specifically, it is a [[homogeneous space]] ''X'' together with a [[group action|transitive action]] on ''X'' by a [[Lie group]] ''G'', which acts as the [[symmetry group]] of the geometry.

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For background and motivation see the article on the [[Erlangen program]].

== Vibram Fivefingers  amerikanske hær embedsmænd bekræftede ==
==Formal definition==
A '''Klein geometry''' is a pair (''G'', ''H'') where ''G'' is a [[Lie group]] and ''H'' is a [[closed set|closed]] [[Lie subgroup]] of ''G'' such that the (left) [[coset space]] ''G''/''H'' is [[connected space|connected]]. The group ''G'' is called the '''principal group''' of the geometry and ''G''/''H'' is called the '''space''' of the geometry (or, by an abuse of terminology, simply the ''Klein geometry''). The space ''X'' = ''G''/''H'' of a Klein geometry is a [[smooth manifold]] of dimension
:dim ''X'' = dim ''G'' &minus; dim ''H''.

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There is a natural smooth [[group action|left action]] of ''G'' on ''X'' given by
:<math>g\cdot(aH) = (ga)H.</math>
Clearly, this action is transitive (take ''a'' = 1), so that one may then regard ''X'' as a [[homogeneous space]] for the action of ''G''. The [[stabilizer (group theory)|stabilizer]] of the identity coset ''H'' &isin; ''X'' is precisely the group ''H''.
Given any connected smooth manifold ''X'' and a smooth transitive action by a Lie group ''G'' on ''X'', we can construct an associated Klein geometry (''G'', ''H'') by fixing a basepoint ''x''<sub>0</sub> in ''X'' and letting ''H'' be the stabilizer subgroup of ''x''<sub>0</sub> in ''G''. The group ''H'' is necessarily a closed subgroup of ''G'' and ''X'' is naturally [[diffeomorphic]] to ''G''/''H''.
Two Klein geometries (''G''<sub>1</sub>, ''H''<sub>1</sub>) and  (''G''<sub>2</sub>, ''H''<sub>2</sub>) are '''geometrically isomorphic''' if there is a [[Lie group isomorphism]] &phi; : ''G''<sub>1</sub> &rarr; ''G''<sub>2</sub> so that &phi;(''H''<sub>1</sub>) = ''H''<sub>2</sub>. In particular, if &phi; is [[conjugacy class|conjugation]] by an element ''g'' &isin; ''G'', we see that (''G'', ''H'') and (''G'', ''gHg''<sup>&minus;1</sup>) are isomorphic. The Klein geometry associated to a homogeneous space ''X'' is then unique up to isomorphism (i.e. it is independent of the chosen basepoint ''x''<sub>0</sub>).
==Bundle description==
Given a Lie group ''G'' and closed subgroup ''H'', there is natural [[group action|right action]] of ''H'' on ''G'' given by right multiplication.  This action is both free and [[proper action|proper]]. The [[orbit (group theory)|orbits]] are simply the left [[coset]]s of ''H'' in ''G''. One concludes that ''G'' has the structure of a smooth [[principal bundle|principal ''H''-bundle]] over the left coset space ''G''/''H'':
:<math>H\to G\to G/H.\,</math>
==Types of Klein geometries==
===Effective geometries===
The action of ''G'' on ''X'' = ''G''/''H'' need not be effective. The '''kernel''' of a Klein geometry is defined to be the kernel of the action of ''G'' on ''X''. It is given by
:<math>K = \{k \in G : g^{-1}kg \in H\;\;\forall g \in G\}.</math>
The kernel ''K'' may also be described as the [[core (group)|core]] of ''H'' in ''G'' (i.e. the largest subgroup of ''H'' that is [[normal subgroup|normal]] in ''G''). It is the group generated by all the normal subgroups of ''G'' that lie in ''H''.
A Klein geometry is said to be '''effective''' if ''K'' = 1 and '''locally effective''' if ''K'' is [[discrete group|discrete]]. If (''G'', ''H'') is a Klein geometry with kernel ''K'', then (''G''/''K'', ''H''/''K'') is an effective Klein geometry canonically associated to (''G'', ''H'').
===Geometrically oriented geometries===
A Klein geometry (''G'', ''H'') is '''geometrically oriented''' if ''G'' is [[connected space|connected]]. (This does ''not'' imply that ''G''/''H'' is an [[orientability|oriented manifold]]). If ''H'' is connected it follows that ''G'' is also connected (this is because ''G''/''H'' is assumed to be connected, and ''G'' &rarr; ''G''/''H'' is a [[fibration]]).
Given any Klein geometry (''G'', ''H''), there is a geometrically oriented geometry canonically associated to (''G'', ''H'') with the same base space ''G''/''H''. This is the geometry (''G''<sub>0</sub>, ''G''<sub>0</sub> &cap; ''H'') where ''G''<sub>0</sub> is the [[identity component]] of ''G''. Note that ''G'' = ''G''<sub>0</sub> ''H''.
===Reductive geometries===
A Klein geometry (''G'', ''H'') is said to be '''reductive''' and ''G''/''H'' a '''reductive homogeneous space''' if the [[Lie algebra]] <math>\mathfrak h</math> of ''H'' has an ''H''-invariant complement in <math>\mathfrak g</math>.
== Examples ==
In the following table, there is a description of the classical geometries, modeled as Klein geometries.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"; text-align:center; margin:.5em 0 .5em 1em;"
| '''Underlying space'''
| '''Transformation group ''G'''''
| '''Subgroup ''H'''''
| '''Invariants'''
! ''[[Euclidean geometry]]''
|  [[Euclidean space]] <math>E(n)</math> || [[Euclidean group]] <math>\mathrm{Euc}(n)\simeq \mathrm{O}(n)\rtimes \R^n</math> || [[Orthogonal group]] <math>\mathrm{O}(n)</math> || Distances of [[Euclidean group|points]], [[angle]]s of [[Euclidean vector|vectors]]
! ''[[Spherical geometry]]''
| [[Sphere]] <math>S^n</math> || Orthogonal group <math>\mathrm{O}(n+1)</math> || Orthogonal group <math>\mathrm{O}(n)</math> || Distances of points, angles of vectors
! ''[[Conformal geometry]] on the sphere''
| [[Sphere]] <math>S^n</math> || [[Lorentz group]] of an <math>n+2</math> dimensional space <math>\mathrm{O}(n+1,1)</math> || A subgroup <math>P</math> fixing a [[Line (geometry)|line]] in the [[null cone]] of the Minkowski metric || Angles of vectors
! ''[[Projective geometry]]''
| [[Real projective space]] <math>\mathbb{RP}^n</math> || [[Projective group]] <math>\mathrm{PGL}(n+1)</math>|| A subgroup <math>P</math> fixing a [[Flag (linear algebra)|flag]] <math>\{0\}\subset V_1\subset V_n</math> || [[Projective line]]s, [[Cross-ratio]]
! ''[[Affine geometry]]''
| [[Affine space]] <math>A(n)\simeq\R^n</math> || [[Affine group]] <math>\mathrm{Aff}(n)\simeq \mathrm{GL}(n)\rtimes \R^n</math> || [[General linear group]] <math>\mathrm{GL}(n)</math> || Lines, Quotient of surface areas of geometric shapes, [[Center of mass]] of [[triangles]].
! ''[[Hyperbolic geometry]]''
| [[Hyperbolic space]] <math>H(n)</math>, modeled e.g. as time-like lines in the [[Minkowski space]] <math>\R^{1,n}</math> || Lorentz group <math>\mathrm{O}(1,n)</math> || <math>\mathrm{O}(1)\times \mathrm{O}(n)</math> || Hyperbolic lines, hyperbolic circles, angles.  
*{{cite book | author=R. W. Sharpe | title=Differential Geometry: Cartan's Generalization of Klein's Erlangen Program | publisher=Springer-Verlag | year=1997 | isbn=0-387-94732-9}}
[[Category:Differential geometry]]
[[Category:Lie groups]]
[[Category:Homogeneous spaces]]

Revision as of 23:20, 20 January 2014

In mathematics, a Klein geometry is a type of geometry motivated by Felix Klein in his influential Erlangen program. More specifically, it is a homogeneous space X together with a transitive action on X by a Lie group G, which acts as the symmetry group of the geometry.

For background and motivation see the article on the Erlangen program.

Formal definition

A Klein geometry is a pair (G, H) where G is a Lie group and H is a closed Lie subgroup of G such that the (left) coset space G/H is connected. The group G is called the principal group of the geometry and G/H is called the space of the geometry (or, by an abuse of terminology, simply the Klein geometry). The space X = G/H of a Klein geometry is a smooth manifold of dimension

dim X = dim G − dim H.

There is a natural smooth left action of G on X given by

Clearly, this action is transitive (take a = 1), so that one may then regard X as a homogeneous space for the action of G. The stabilizer of the identity coset HX is precisely the group H.

Given any connected smooth manifold X and a smooth transitive action by a Lie group G on X, we can construct an associated Klein geometry (G, H) by fixing a basepoint x0 in X and letting H be the stabilizer subgroup of x0 in G. The group H is necessarily a closed subgroup of G and X is naturally diffeomorphic to G/H.

Two Klein geometries (G1, H1) and (G2, H2) are geometrically isomorphic if there is a Lie group isomorphism φ : G1G2 so that φ(H1) = H2. In particular, if φ is conjugation by an element gG, we see that (G, H) and (G, gHg−1) are isomorphic. The Klein geometry associated to a homogeneous space X is then unique up to isomorphism (i.e. it is independent of the chosen basepoint x0).

Bundle description

Given a Lie group G and closed subgroup H, there is natural right action of H on G given by right multiplication. This action is both free and proper. The orbits are simply the left cosets of H in G. One concludes that G has the structure of a smooth principal H-bundle over the left coset space G/H:

Types of Klein geometries

Effective geometries

The action of G on X = G/H need not be effective. The kernel of a Klein geometry is defined to be the kernel of the action of G on X. It is given by

The kernel K may also be described as the core of H in G (i.e. the largest subgroup of H that is normal in G). It is the group generated by all the normal subgroups of G that lie in H.

A Klein geometry is said to be effective if K = 1 and locally effective if K is discrete. If (G, H) is a Klein geometry with kernel K, then (G/K, H/K) is an effective Klein geometry canonically associated to (G, H).

Geometrically oriented geometries

A Klein geometry (G, H) is geometrically oriented if G is connected. (This does not imply that G/H is an oriented manifold). If H is connected it follows that G is also connected (this is because G/H is assumed to be connected, and GG/H is a fibration).

Given any Klein geometry (G, H), there is a geometrically oriented geometry canonically associated to (G, H) with the same base space G/H. This is the geometry (G0, G0H) where G0 is the identity component of G. Note that G = G0 H.

Reductive geometries

A Klein geometry (G, H) is said to be reductive and G/H a reductive homogeneous space if the Lie algebra of H has an H-invariant complement in .


In the following table, there is a description of the classical geometries, modeled as Klein geometries.

Underlying space Transformation group G Subgroup H Invariants
Euclidean geometry Euclidean space Euclidean group Orthogonal group Distances of points, angles of vectors
Spherical geometry Sphere Orthogonal group Orthogonal group Distances of points, angles of vectors
Conformal geometry on the sphere Sphere Lorentz group of an dimensional space A subgroup fixing a line in the null cone of the Minkowski metric Angles of vectors
Projective geometry Real projective space Projective group A subgroup fixing a flag Projective lines, Cross-ratio
Affine geometry Affine space Affine group General linear group Lines, Quotient of surface areas of geometric shapes, Center of mass of triangles.
Hyperbolic geometry Hyperbolic space , modeled e.g. as time-like lines in the Minkowski space Lorentz group Hyperbolic lines, hyperbolic circles, angles.


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